
[Bad] Ideas For Writers (& Life)
5 min readAug 11, 2022



Oh wow, look what happens if I type here. Look at that, the words are coming up on the screen. This is wild. I can make stuff bold or italics, or look…

I can make the first letter capitalized like in a chapter book. This is wild!

What happens if I do this?

Oh wow.

I can add a photo. What photo would I put here? I know, I have a good one. Check this one out.

My view as I do this | Photo by author

That’s what I’m looking at right now.

Now the whole world will see what I see?

This is insane.

Wait! What? I can indent and italicize?! Holy Bananas. 🥳

I can add emojis? Kill me now, life ain’t getting ANY better THAN this. (If you get the reference to J. D. Salinger’s A Perfect Day for Bananafish, you are my soulmate.)



[Bad] Ideas For Writers (& Life)

Reading this stuff will make you Better Looking, Taller, Skinnier, Funnier and Rich. We produce international stand-up comedy tours and film and tv. WGA, DGA