J Mercer
6 min readMar 8, 2024
Canva Studio-JMercer

Mindfulness, often defined as the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment, is gaining broader recognition as mental health awareness attempts to break through the barriers of our society. Beyond its definition, what does it truly mean to embody mindfulness? How profoundly can it impact one’s life? And most importantly — how do we effectively integrate mindfulness into our daily lives?

Benefits of Mindfulness

Letting you in on a secret: Mindfulness truly lives up to its reputation. This singular yet complex element of mental health offers benefits that can significantly change lives. When adequately put into practice, it is possible to experience reduced stress, heightened focus, improved relationships, enhanced well-being, better emotional regulation, and even physical health benefits. Research published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that mindfulness meditation programs can improve anxiety, depression, and pain. The study analyzed data from 47 clinical trials involving over 3,500 participants. These findings underscore the transformative power of mindfulness as it relates to overall well-being.

Why Is It So Difficult?

So if this practice is so beneficial — why is it so foreign? We live in a fast-paced, competitive, and demanding society. Mothers feel inadequate, employees…



J Mercer

Writer/Editor/Content Strategist. Specializing in Psychology, Mental Health, Healthcare, Patient Advocacy.