log 3 = 0.4771

Vishnu Bharathi
4 min readOct 23, 2017


This is my 3rd weekly log. This is going to be a bit different, as I didn’t spend much time on tech related stuff this week.

I have 4 days holidays falling on this week.

Family UFO

Playing one of my favourites.

I went out shopping for one full day with my Chithi (mother’s sister) and sisters (Chithi’s daughters). We got some new dresses for Diwali and played a lot of video games.

I and my sisters believe that aliens do exist. (Come on! They have to). We got to ride in the UFO this week.

UFO and dark space

The photo is bit dark. What else do you expect from the space?

Diwali then

It’s the festival of lights and happy diwali to people reading this :) This is one of the most important festivals, we celebrated in my family. Every year, we get new dress for everyone, crackers and sweets. As a child, the only day I should be getting up early ( like 4 am in morning ) was Diwali. One day of the year, when oil and shampoo are both applied on head. The tradition is to get bathed before the sun rises and head out to burn the crackers. We get to eat a lot of sweets too.

Diwali now

As I didn’t spend this diwali with my parents in Erode, this time was quite different. I woke up very late ( around 11 am ). I didn’t burst crackers, which I stopped doing long ago (We have an environment to preserve). I was able to wear new dress though.

CI/CD agent in Golang

One of the awesome feature request that I myself have, after working at Shippable is the ability to run builds on different Operating Systems. I even have an unpublished blog post about a failed attempt in making it to work.

I spent an entire day writing a build agent, that was able to run a build on my Mac OS machine. I am pretty sure that it could run on any operating system and architecture that golang could target for. The productivity level is great. I could literally feel the power of typing in one command and supporting a whole new combination of operating system and architecture.

Right now Shippable’s build agent runs on node.js + container. This is the reason that blocks it from running a build on host currently. Lets see how things go!

The Kicks

I used to play football in school. I am pretty bad at it. But I still like it. This week I watched a series called “The Kicks” in Amazon Prime. I loved it. Football would have been more fun if I had friends and people around me like in the series.

I also collected some of the quotes in the series that inspired me on my quotes blog. Here are some,

“No challenges are road blocks. They are just speed bumps”

“Star athletes aren’t born. They are made”

“The point is we just have to keep going. We can’t give up”

“Someone once said pain is temporary, but quitting lasts forever”

( Attributions on quotes blog )

I just love this series and it seems to be adopted from a book. So, I will probably have it in my wish list.

Hack without fear

I kind of evaluated Rust to pull off cross platform builds in Shippable. It seems to be super cool. But at a later point, I realized that I could not afford the time to learn about it and it’s tooling in detail. So, may be some other time.

Rust’s motto is “Hack without fear” and I just love the basic thinking behind the language. ( Check out the video to get a glimpse of it )

Hawaii Five O and White Collar

I went too far spending time to relax this week. I watched first 20 episodes of Hawaii Five O. I kind of liked the series and it gave me the same feeling as watching White Collar during my college days ( I completed it ). Hawaii Five O has 8 seasons launched in Amazon Prime. So, it’s going to be a fun ride.

Wish List

Thanks for reading. I quote verses from my favourite Tamil literature “Tirukkuṛaḷ” at the end of my blog posts.

“பணிவுடையன் இன்சொலன் ஆதல் ஒருவற்கு
அணியல்ல மற்றுப் பிற.”

— திருக்குறள்

Translated meaning ( in my words ): Modesty and the habit of speaking good words add true beauty to a person and nothing else could beautify a person more.



Vishnu Bharathi

Loves Learning things. Linux + Programming + Ice cream + Chocolates + Milk shakes