Democracy.Eath fails in securely identifying users on the blockchain, This is where Scroda steps in.

4 min readFeb 26, 2019


Who am I? Where do I originate from? What rights do I have? are all question’s that should be obtained for a user to be a part of society, unfortunately Democracy.Earth fails in obtaining such information from reliable sources.

Flaw #1

Democracy.Earth relies on video proof in order to identify a user

“A proof can be done with any recording application as long as it satisfies the requirements of the protocol. An extension no longer than 3 minutes is recommended for the video. In it the user must follow a series of scripted steps in order to help validators judge with their attention”[1]

Something that can easily be faked thanks to new technology such as Deepfake

“A deepfake is when an AI algorithm — a neural network — generates a video that never happened by either swapping one face for another or by allowing someone’s motions and voice to be mapped onto another person.”[2]

Along with new technology that allows for the creation of fake photographs of people who have never existed.

“ uses an AI to piece together different parts of pictures to create fake people. It too isn’t perfect but it will, as with deepfake videos, only get better over time.”[2]

Making Democracy.Earth’s video proof totally unreliable.

Flaw #2

Democracy.Earth fails to obtain documentation of users from a reliable source, totally relying solely on information in which the user provides.

“ Say out loud the following indicators: Full given name (language-based identity). Full surname (blood-based identity, additionally it can state information regarding mother and father). Nationality (territorial-based identity, it can include place of residence or tax paying jurisdiction). Alternatively the user can use a nickname if it is a more common pointer to his self.”[1]

Along with obtaining a oath from the user

“To guarantee that the person generating his or her identity proof is aware of the rights he will receive upon having his membership approved on the network and is not being coerced by an unseen attacker, it is mandatory to make a declaration of self-sovereignty that also includes an oath regarding the stated facts.”[1]

I mean how many time’s have we not seen citizens lie to a authorative figure?

Unless someone could tell me that we are still in a point in time where no one has ever lied, are we all starring in the movie The Invention of Lying?

Flaw #3

Democracy.Earth has the bad custom of forcing delegate voting onto it’s users

Even calling direct voters selfish

“Selfish voter Alice is allowed to use her tokens to vote directly on issues as in a direct democracy.”[1]

Hey, after all it is my vote why should I have to pass it onto someone else?

After all proxy voting is mainly used in the event that a member is absent, alongside the fact only 1/5 people utilize proxy voting, so why is Democracy.Earth encouraging the majority of it’s users to use such system? Wouldn’t electronic voting lower this number not increase it?

So what is the solution? Scroda

Scroda’s revolutionary feature provides never-before-seen solution for true identification, authentication, and authorization through the use of medicines most advanced findings;EEG, accompanied by complex identifying biometrics. With Scroda ID, and the Scroda patent pending identification method, Scroda is able to birth and introduce a breakthrough in the space for the way in which data, profiles, accounts, and grids can be securely and identifiably accessed, while providing government infrastructure and corporate standings a much sought-after solution for the true identification of personnel and beings of interest. With this, Scroda ID brings forth a new security framework that allows for a spoof and tamper free identification and authentication method which can be implemented and adopted in any standing, infrastructure, or setting, placing Scroda in the forefront of revolutionary blockchain advancement through removing all vulnerabilities in private keys, passphrases, passwords, as well as through creating new real-world possibilities via Scroda’s answer to unbeatable true and accurate identification.

While at the same time ensuring to obtain documentation from reliable sources through the use of issuance officers and a issuance committee in which a round table is establed in which ensures that proper laws are being followed in each country.

Read more about Scroda’s solution at

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A Democratic Blockchain focused on privacy that ensures to give power and a voice to the people.