Transcend: Across, Beyond, and Through

An exhibit featuring student-designed typefaces at Anderson University.

SCSA Art+Design
3 min readMar 25, 2024

What is Transcend?

Transcend is the final project of the Digital Resurrections in Typography class at Anderson University. In this exhibit, fifteen resurrection typefaces were displayed along with materials and merchandise that explored enduring concepts of resurrection typography.

The once intangible, ephemeral moments of history brought to life in the present day as a perpetual moment where the layers between times are thinned.

When we create our resurrection typefaces, we are not creating something out of nothing. Rather, we are bringing to life a once lost history of the original makers, the forms they created, and what they created them for.

These beautiful and forgotten forms have been rescued, revitalized, and resurrected to life again.


We discover the beautiful and forgotten typography across the history of the world.


We create something to live beyond the limitations of what has been.


We establish something that lives through the layers of time.

