I Don’t Want Kids… and I Don’t Want Your Judgment Either

3 min readSep 26, 2022

For as long as I can remember I have been aware of the fact that I don’t want kids. I have two younger siblings, my mom co-owned a daycare for couple years and on my days off of school I would go to the daycare to help out, I babysat all throughout my middle school and high school years, and by the time I went off to college I was very confident in my decision to not have children.

This means that for as long as I can remember I have had to deal with people questioning my decision. It’s always seemed bizarre to me that complete strangers feel the need to express their opinions on someone else’s life choices. I’ve been told I’m selfish, I’ve been told my parents must be disappointed, I’ve been asked what my husband thinks.

My counterpoint to these things has always been:

  1. Isn’t it more selfish to have a baby just to have one? A baby deserves to be brought into the world loved and wanted. My decision feels like it’s the opposite of selfish (in my opinion).
  2. My parents aren’t the ones who have to live my life.
  3. My husband agrees with me, if he didn’t we wouldn’t be together. Maybe it’s strange to some people that I found someone who shares my same anti-children opinion.




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