Alpine linux install specific (older) package version

Dmitry Vasilev
2 min readOct 17, 2022


At my project I use Docker-in-Docker images for GitLab CI.

And those are only Alpine-based.

And for some another dependency I needed a very specific version of openssh package installed. An older one. And I could not downgrade the whole version of Alpine I use.

And Alpine does not really allow you to install the older package versions in a way that e.g. Debian-based distros do when you can hook in another version repo and install from it (which is still not exactly recommended).

Long story short, what you CAN do is — build the needed package from source code and install it!

First — go to and find which Alpine version (branch) has the package version you need:

I need Alpine 3.7 e.g. but my main Alpine version is 3.11 which is much newer

Then in your main Alpine version do this:

# Install the build prerequisites.apk add alpine-sdk sudo# Create user and add it to the group.
# Because root can not build packages.
adduser -D packager && addgroup packager abuild# Give him sudo access.echo 'packager ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >/etc/sudoers.d/packager# Switch to that usersu packager# Clone aports repo with the sources of all Alpine packages.git clone git:// cd into your package dircd ~/aports/main/openssh# Switch to the branch you found at the website.git checkout 3.7-stable# Create a signature certificate and build the package!abuild-keygen -a -i -n && abuild -r# Exit from the packager user back to root:exit # or ctrl+d# Find the package and install it:cd /home/packager/packages/main/x86_64/ && apk add openssh-7.5_p1-r10.apk openssh-client-7.5_p1-r10.apk

And this can also be neatly wrapped into a single Docker layer command where we also do some cleanup at the end:

RUN apk add alpine-sdk sudo && \
adduser -D packager && addgroup packager abuild && \
echo 'packager ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >/etc/sudoers.d/packager && \
su - packager -c 'git clone git:// && \
cd ~/aports/main/openssh && \
git checkout 3.7-stable && \
abuild-keygen -a -i -n && \
abuild -r' && \
cd /home/packager/packages/main/x86_64/ && \
apk add openssh-7.5_p1-r10.apk openssh-client-7.5_p1-r10.apk && \
apk del alpine-sdk sudo

Ciao and good luck!

