Chris Engel
1 min readAug 10, 2018


My main take away from this article is that the author missed the opportunity to understand anything about the perspective of someone that had different views from herself or how he arrived at those views….and essentially didn’t want to know…… and also simply assumed those views were ill founded simply because they differed.

By the way, as someone who has a degree in history, I can state K’s opinions of Mohamed and the Quran are essentially correct. While it absolutely is a gross overgeneralization to claim that all Muslims wan’t to kill us…..looking at nothing but undisputed historical fact, one can easily make the case that the history of Islam as an ideology is 1400 years on unrelenting violence and aggression toward any groups that are viewed to hold a different ideology or set of beliefs.

Your lesbian friend for example is far safer in that basement or even back in Russia then she would be Dubai, Tehran or Ankara. The Russians, though they might discriminate against her, likely wouldn’t order her judicial execution by stoning simply for her orientation.

