Importance of Automated Functional Testing

3 min readAug 28, 2023



The software development cycle would be much shorter and much worse without software testing. Among other things, thorough testing enables engineers to find and solve issues, enhance system features, and make sure that any upcoming updates will work seamlessly with the current program. It’s essential for improving the quality of software-based products and essential to prioritizing the needs of customers.

Manual testing is the antithesis of automated testing. It entails replacing human testers with bots and scripts to maintain your test suite. Functional testing that is automated has grown in popularity in recent years, and for good cause. Automation makes processes more efficient. When a procedure is automated, it is executed on schedule and consistently, regardless of any outside influences. This is crucial in the field of functional testing because more internal process regulation yields more reliable test results.

Why Use Automation for Functional Testing

You should automate your software testing for a variety of reasons. It ultimately comes down to this:

  • Simple jobs can be transferred from the care of manual labor to scripts, bots, and AIs through automation. The business will save money because they won’t have to hire workers to perform daily tasks like performing the same smoke test 100 times.
  • All of your processes are optimized as well. You don’t have to worry about whether testing is being done as quickly, effectively, and efficiently as possible since automated tools will ensure that the techniques they’re utilizing are the quickest, most effective, and most efficient ways to manage that process.
  • The fact that automated methods are very scalable is yet another justification for anyone to think about automating their functional testing procedures. When a company wishes to expand up, they only need to make a few simple tweaks rather than finding and paying new personnel.
  • This is extremely important to businesses because they are likely to experience rapid growth and as a result, they must invest in highly scalable solutions. The same is true for startups, which may quickly transition from small to huge organizations and hence require scalable testing tools.

Automated Functional Testing Advantages

Automated functional testing has a wide range of advantages. We’ll now take a closer look at some of the most significant benefits.

  1. The testing process is expedited by automation. As a result, there is less chance that engineers would make hurried patches that don’t effectively address the underlying issue. In other words, expediting testing gives developers the time they require to complete tasks correctly.
  2. It supports as many test scenarios as are required. Companies are in no way constrained by the capabilities of their manual testers while using automated testing. Instead, they can extend it to whichever degree they require, covering more test cases each day.
  3. The testing procedure will go without a hitch. This makes time management much simpler because everything will proceed exactly as planned in terms of how long things take.
  4. It lessens the need for testers. You risk having problems if you rely too heavily on testers. Human distractions will interfere with your routine, such as illnesses and holidays. On the other hand, automation will always function exactly as you intend.
  5. Your apps’ quality can be improved more easily. A fantastic technique to improve the quality of the finished items is to test frequently. You can use automated testing to promote product quality, which will help your business develop.
  6. Automation provides you with all the necessary feedback. All you have to do is put the test cases in after programming the script to offer feedback on each test case. Simply said, your developers will have access to all the input they require.


Every process works better when automation is used in functional testing. The fact that automation always functions no matter what is a terrific method to assure company viability. It is incapable of getting sick, unlike manual testers, and it never needs to take a break. In a nutshell, it’s a dependable, lasting method of doing your testing.




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