Investigating Trails Carolina Horror Stories

9 min readNov 1, 2023


A group of teens taking part in the Trails Carolina program

Imagine seeking help for a troubled adolescent, only to discover a world of Trails Carolina horror stories and allegations of abuse. This is the dark reality that has come to light at Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program in North Carolina.

In this article, we will dive into the chilling accounts of abuse, explore the controversies surrounding wilderness therapy, and examine the impact of these revelations on the industry and public perception.

Key Takeaways

  • Investigation of Trails Carolina for allegations of abuse and neglect has prompted calls for increased regulation, safety protocols, transparency, and improved oversight in the wilderness therapy industry.
  • Social media has enabled survivors to share their experiences and horror stories which have raised awareness about potential risks associated with wilderness therapy programs.
  • The case provides important lessons on prioritizing participant safety through increased regulation, transparency & accountability within the industry.

Unveiling Trails Carolina Horror Stories

Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program designed to foster personal growth in troubled adolescents, has become the subject of chilling allegations and horror stories.

Reports of emotional neglect, physical maltreatment, and other unsettling practices have emerged from former participants and staff members, prompting an ongoing investigation by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

These accounts, often referred to as Trails Carolina abuse, have painted a disturbing picture of what some individuals have experienced within the program. These unsettling allegations have raised significant concerns about participant safety and program practices, prompting a thorough and unbiased investigation.

Survivor Accounts

Survivors of Trails Carolina have shared harrowing accounts of emotional abuse, physical, and sexual abuse, revealing the darker side of wilderness therapy. These reports include emotional and psychological distress, feelings of isolation, concerns about hygiene and extended periods without showering.

The impact of these horror stories on the wilderness therapy community has been profound, prompting calls for increased regulation and oversight of the industry.

The power of these survivor accounts cannot be underestimated, as they have given a voice to those who have suffered and contributed to the ongoing investigation into Trails Carolina.

The candid sharing of survivor experiences has shed light on the potential risks and controversies of wilderness therapy, leading to a heightened awareness and a demand for betterment.

Staff Perspectives

Former staff members of Trails Carolina have also come forward to corroborate allegations and express concerns about the program’s practices and management. Concerns have been raised regarding staff training and staff-to-participant ratios, which are part of Trails Carolina’s employment policies.

Jonathan Hyde, who was once a staff member himself, expressed worry over the wilderness therapy industry. He pointed out that the staff often did not receive proper training and that the level of care provided to campers fell short of expectations.

These staff perspectives have provided additional insight into the inner workings of Trails Carolina and the potential dangers that can be present in wilderness therapy programs.

Former staff members have added valuable insights to the ongoing investigation, underscoring the need for enhanced staff training, improved employment practices, and a safer participant environment.

Investigating the Allegations

In response to Trails Carolina’s horror stories and allegations against Trails Carolina, regulatory bodies and legal actions have been initiated to uncover the truth.

The ongoing investigation has revealed that Trails Carolina failed to report numerous incidents of abuse and neglect to the relevant authorities, as well as multiple violations of health and safety regulations, such as inadequate sanitation, hygiene, and medical care maintenance.

These revelations have sparked a need for greater regulation and highlighted the necessity of safety and oversight in wilderness therapy. The ongoing investigation aims to unearth the truth and take appropriate actions to ensure participant safety in Trails Carolina and similar wilderness therapy programs.

Regulatory Involvement

Agencies like the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services have been actively investigating Trails Carolina for potential violations of health, safety, and reporting regulations.

The investigation has been prompted by numerous allegations of abuse and neglect, which have raised concerns about the program’s commitment to participant safety and well-being.

Trails Carolina is presently cooperating with regulatory bodies and independent investigators, aiming to address concerns and ensure the safety of all participants. The outcome of the investigation may include financial penalties, punitive measures, and other corrective actions, depending on the findings.

Legal Actions

Several lawsuits have been filed against Trails Carolina, including Mann v. Trails Carolina, LLC, which alleges sexual abuse.

Additionally, the program has been subject to inspections by N.C. DHHS, resulting in citations for identified issues concerning participant mistreatment and abuse. These legal actions aim to hold Trails Carolina accountable for any misconduct and ensure the safety of future participants.

Survivors seeking justice for the abuse they endured at Trails Carolina often face difficulties, such as providing evidence of abuse, securing legal representation, and overcoming the social stigma attached to voicing their experiences.

Despite these hurdles, legal actions persist in their crucial role of holding Trails Carolina and other similar programs accountable for their actions.

Wilderness Therapy: The Good and The Bad

Wilderness therapy programs, like Trails Carolina, have the potential to provide troubled adolescents with unique opportunities for personal growth and healing. However, the dark side of these programs has been exposed through the harrowing accounts of abuse and neglect, highlighting the potential risks and controversies associated with wilderness therapy.

The benefits and drawbacks of wilderness therapy demonstrate the complexity of therapeutic interventions and the importance of ensuring a safe and supportive environment for participants.

As we continue to investigate Trails Carolina, it’s critical to weigh both the benefits and potential dangers of wilderness therapy programs for informed decision-making.

Benefits of Wilderness Therapy

Wilderness therapy can offer a transformative experience for troubled adolescents, promoting personal growth, self-reliance, and resilience.

Through outdoor-based therapeutic interventions, participants are encouraged to acquire essential survival skills and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. These programs can lead to increased self-esteem and self-worth, as well as the cultivation of leadership and communication skills.

However, the effectiveness of wilderness therapy depends on the program’s adherence to ethical practices and the provision of a safe and nurturing environment. When conducted properly, wilderness therapy has the potential to facilitate holistic growth and positive change in the lives of troubled adolescents.

Risks and Controversies

Despite the potential benefits of wilderness therapy, the lack of regulation and oversight in the industry can lead to abuse, neglect, and trauma.

The Trails Carolina horror stories have exposed the risks and controversies associated with such programs, prompting calls for increased regulation, improved safety protocols, and better oversight of the industry.

These cautionary tales serve as an important reminder that not all wilderness therapy programs are created equal and that the safety and well-being of participants must always be the top priority.

As the investigation into Trails Carolina continues, it is vital to learn from these experiences and work towards ensuring that all wilderness therapy programs adhere to the highest standards of care and safety.

Trails Carolina’s Response to Allegations

In the face of growing scrutiny, Trails Carolina has responded to the allegations of abuse and mistreatment by denying them and expressing a commitment to improvement.

The program has acknowledged the concerns raised by survivors and former staff members and has expressed its dedication to providing a safe and supportive environment for the youth in their care.

As part of its commitment to address these concerns, Trails Carolina has taken the following steps to prioritize the safety of participants:

  • Declared cooperation with ongoing investigations
  • Underwent an internal review of its practices and procedures
  • Implemented changes to ensure the program is safe and supportive

Addressing Concerns

Trails Carolina Responds has taken steps to address the allegations made against them by promising cooperation with investigations and prioritizing participant safety.

The program has provided information and resources to facilitate the investigation process, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability.

Trails Carolina is actively working with regulatory bodies and independent investigators to address concerns and safeguard the well-being of all participants. This cooperation is an important step in demonstrating the program’s commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment, even as the Trails Carolina investigation continues.

Commitment to Improvement

Amidst the controversy, Trails Carolina has pledged to:

  • Review and improve its practices to ensure a safe and supportive environment for its participants
  • Undergo an internal review of practices and procedures
  • Implement changes based on the findings of the review and feedback from participants and their families

Establishing a secure and encouraging environment is imperative for the welfare of the participants in Trails Carolina’s programs. It is also vital for the success of the program, as it allows participants to feel at ease and supported in their journey toward personal growth and healing.

Impact on the Wilderness Therapy Industry

The Trails Carolina controversy has had a significant impact on the wilderness therapy industry, raising awareness of the potential risks and prompting calls for:

  • Increased regulation and oversight
  • Safety and transparency in wilderness therapy programs
  • More stringent safety protocols
  • Improved oversight of the industry

The horror stories have led to a greater understanding of the need for these measures.

By highlighting the potential dangers and controversies associated with wilderness therapy, the Trails Carolina case has underscored the importance of ensuring that all programs adhere to the highest standards of care and safety. As the investigation progresses, it’s vital to glean lessons from these experiences and strive to make wilderness therapy safer and more effective for troubled adolescents.

Calls for Regulation

In light of the Trails Carolina case, there have been calls for increased regulation of the wilderness therapy industry, including the implementation of more stringent safety protocols and improved oversight of programs. This is essential in order to protect participants from the potential risks associated with wilderness therapy, such as the abuse and neglect that have been alleged at Trails Carolina.

Regulatory bodies play an important role in ensuring the safety standards and regulations of wilderness therapy programs are adhered to, as well as providing oversight and enforcement of these standards. With the industry’s growth, it’s imperative to implement necessary regulatory measures to safeguard the safety and well-being of all participants in wilderness therapy programs.

Lessons Learned

The Trails Carolina horror stories serve as a cautionary tale for wilderness therapy programs and demonstrate the need for increased oversight and regulation.

Drawing lessons from these experiences, the industry can strive to ensure that all programs prioritize participant well-being and uphold the highest care and safety standards.

In addition to increased regulation, the Trails Carolina case highlights the importance of transparency and accountability within the industry. This includes:

  • Providing accurate information about the program’s practices
  • Ensuring staff are properly trained and qualified
  • Fostering open communication between programs and the families of participants

By addressing these concerns, the wilderness therapy industry can continue to evolve and grow, offering a safe and effective option for troubled adolescents in need of support.

Social Media’s Role in Sharing Horror Stories

Social media platforms such as YouTube have played a significant role in amplifying survivor voices and sharing Trails Carolina horror stories with the public.

These accounts have increased the visibility of survivor experiences and have had a consequential effect on public opinion regarding wilderness therapy. As a result, the online narratives and discussions on social media have had a significant influence on how people view Trails Carolina and wilderness therapy programs in general.

The medium of video contributes a powerful element to the horror stories, enabling viewers to experience firsthand accounts and emotions.

Through the sharing of experiences on online platforms, survivors and former staff have fostered a sense of community, support, and validation. This has been instrumental in raising awareness about the potential risks and controversies associated with wilderness therapy programs, prompting calls for change and reform within the industry.

Influence on Public Perception

The role of social media in sharing Trails Carolina horror stories has had a considerable impact on public perception and opinion of wilderness therapy programs.

Social media platforms amplify survivor voices and share their traumatic experiences, raising awareness about potential risks and controversies linked to these programs.

As a result of this increased visibility, there have been calls for greater regulation and oversight of the wilderness therapy industry, as well as a demand for increased transparency and accountability from programs like Trails Carolina.

This highlights the power of social media in shaping public opinion and driving change within the industry, ensuring that the voices of survivors are heard and the necessary reforms are implemented to protect future participants.


The Trails Carolina horror stories have shone a light on the dark side of wilderness therapy, revealing the potential risks and controversies associated with such programs.

As the investigation continues, it is crucial to learn from these experiences and work towards ensuring that all wilderness therapy programs adhere to the highest standards of care and safety. With increased regulation, transparency, and accountability within the industry, we can hope to create a safer and more effective environment for troubled adolescents in need of support and healing.

