March 2017 Data & SDGs Events

2017 is in full swing and the month of March holds 4 can’t-miss events for the Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG Counting
2 min readFeb 22, 2017


Global Festival of Ideas

March 1- March 3, 2017 — Bonn, Germany

The Global Festival of Ideas is only one week away, a first-time conference focused on innovation and interactive media to change thinking about policy, partnership, and resources for achieving the Global Goals.

UNESCO Week for Peace & Sustainable Development

March 6- March 10, 2017 — Ottowa, Ontario, Canada

The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organaization is hosting a week of events and forums focused on the theme ‘ The Role of Education’. While significantly education related, UNESCO is a consistent data-gathering body of the UN, and the week will more than likely feature quality conversations around data for SDG4.

48th Session of the UN Statistical Commission

March 7- March 10, 2017 — New York, New York

The annual session of the UN Statistics Division is coming up fast, and we couldn’t be more excited. Following the first UN World Data Forum, the session will be a continuation of the evolving discussions focused on, among other items, the role of Big Data in official statistics, official statistics development and regulation, and (our most anticipated) the indicator framework for the SDGs. The event will be webcast, with many sessions available live.

Fifth Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs

March 28- March 31, 2017 — Ottowa, Ontario, Canada

The fourth meeting of the Inter-Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals Indicators was held in November 2016, and dedicated a significant amount of effort to the refinement and review plans for SDG indicators. This 5th meeting continues the purpose of the IAEG-SDGs to establish a global indicator framework, and meeting objectives include presenting an updated tier system of indicators, creating strategies for indicators without a custodian agency, and presenting the work-plan on data disaggregation. While usually not webcast, we look forward to reviewing background and outcome documents in the coming weeks.



SDG Counting

Keeping track of progress on trying to count and measure the success of the Sustainable Development Goals.