23 Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor

Vetting Top Financial Advisors? Make Sure to Ask the Right Questions in Your Initial Call or Meeting…

Steve P Walton
16 min readFeb 11, 2024

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Choosing the right financial advisor is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make for your financial health and future security. The relationship between a client and their financial advisor is built on trust, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of personal and financial goals.

However, establishing this connection and ensuring you’ve found the right match requires more than a cursory glance at qualifications or a brief conversation about investment strategies.

It necessitates a series of insightful questions designed to peel back the layers of a potential advisor’s experience, ethics, and approach to financial planning.

The purpose of this article, “23 Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor,” is not merely to arm you with a checklist of inquiries. Instead, it’s to spark a dialogue that reveals whether a financial advisor is capable of addressing your unique financial situation with the expertise, integrity, and personalized attention it deserves.

The questions we’ll explore are crafted to help you understand an advisor’s qualifications, how they’re compensated, their investment philosophy, and importantly, how they plan to help you achieve your financial objectives.

As you embark on this journey to find a financial advisor who not only meets but exceeds your expectations, remember that the ultimate goal is to forge a partnership that will navigate the complexities of the financial world on your terms.

This article will serve as your guide, ensuring that by the end of your vetting process, you’ll feel confident in your ability to make an informed decision.

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Let’s dive into the questions that will get the juices flowing and set the foundation for a fruitful advisor-client relationship.

Section 1: Understanding Their Qualifications and Experience

Before entrusting your financial future to an advisor, it’s crucial to understand their professional background, qualifications, and the type of clients they usually work with. This section delves into questions that will help you assess the advisor’s expertise and experience, ensuring they’re well-equipped to meet your financial needs.

1. What are your credentials and certifications?

Are you a fiduciary? Credentials like Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) are indicators of an advisor’s commitment to education and ethical standards.

Asking about these certifications can provide insight into the advisor’s expertise and dedication to their profession. It’s also an opportunity to understand the significance of these designations and how they apply to your financial planning needs.

2. How long have you been a financial advisor?

Experience is a valuable asset in the financial world. The length of time an advisor has been practicing can give you an idea of their proficiency in navigating various market cycles and financial scenarios. More importantly, it can indicate their ability to sustain long-term client relationships and adapt to the evolving financial landscape.

3. Can you describe your typical client?

Financial advisors often specialize in serving specific types of clients, such as retirees, high-net-worth individuals, or young professionals starting to build their wealth. Understanding who they typically work with can help you determine if their services are aligned with your specific financial situation and goals.

4. What is your approach to financial planning and investment?

Every advisor has a unique approach to financial planning and investment management. Some may prioritize risk management and conservative investment strategies, while others might focus on aggressive growth. Discussing their approach will help you gauge whether their investment philosophy and methods align with your risk tolerance and financial objectives.

These initial questions are designed to lay the groundwork for a deeper understanding of a financial advisor’s qualifications and how they might apply to your personal financial goals.

As you proceed with these inquiries, pay attention not only to the responses but also to how the advisor communicates their answers. Their ability to explain complex concepts in understandable terms is a good indicator of their client service approach and how they will engage with you throughout your relationship.

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Section 2: Assessing Their Services and Specialties

Once you have a grasp on an advisor’s qualifications and experience, the next step is to delve into the specifics of what they offer and how they can cater to your unique needs. This section focuses on understanding the range of services provided, areas of specialization, and the nature of the advisor-client communication.

5. What range of services do you offer?

Financial advisors can offer a wide array of services, from investment management to comprehensive financial planning, including retirement planning, tax advice, estate planning, and more. Understanding the scope of services an advisor offers will help you determine if they can address all aspects of your financial life or if you’ll need to seek additional experts.

6. Do you have any areas of specialization?

Some advisors have specialized expertise in areas such as retirement planning, wealth management for high-net-worth individuals, or financial strategies for business owners. If your financial situation requires specialized knowledge, this question will help you identify whether the advisor has the skills and experience to meet those specific needs.

7. How will we communicate, and how often?

The nature and frequency of communication with your financial advisor are pivotal to maintaining a transparent and productive relationship. Discussing their preferred communication methods (email, phone calls, in-person meetings) and how often they typically check in with clients will set clear expectations and ensure you’re comfortable with their approach.

This section of questions is crucial for aligning your expectations with the advisor’s offerings. It not only clarifies the advisor’s ability to address your specific financial concerns but also sets the stage for a transparent and effective communication channel.

As you explore these questions, look for an advisor who not only offers the services you need but also demonstrates a willingness to tailor their approach to fit your personal financial journey.

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2. Each advisor has been vetted by WiserAdvisor and is held to a fiduciary standard to act in your best interests. Use this as a starting point to begin vetting top-rated financial planners near you.

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Section 3: Understanding Fees and Costs

The structure of fees and costs associated with a financial advisor’s services can significantly impact your investment returns and overall financial plan. This section aims to demystify the advisor’s compensation model, ensuring transparency and alignment with your financial interests.

8. How do you get paid?

Financial advisors can be compensated through various models, including fee-only, commission-based, or a combination of both. Fee-only advisors are typically paid directly by their clients for advice, plan management, or both, and do not receive commissions for selling specific products.

Note: Financial advisors often base their fees on total assets under management (AUM). Make sure to research an advisory firm’s minimum account size before taking the time to reach out or even interview. It’s not uncommon for firms to have account minimums as high as $500,000 — $1,000,000.

Commission-based advisors earn money from the financial products they sell or from certain investment transactions. Understanding how an advisor is compensated is crucial for identifying potential conflicts of interest and ensuring their recommendations are made with your best interests in mind.

9. Can you provide a detailed breakdown of all fees and costs?

It’s essential to know all possible charges you might incur, including management fees, advisory fees, fund expense ratios, and any other costs associated with the services provided.

A transparent advisor will not hesitate to provide a detailed breakdown of fees and how they’re calculated, helping you understand the total cost of their services.

10. Are there any conflicts of interest I should be aware of?

Conflicts of interest can arise when an advisor stands to benefit financially from certain recommendations or products.

Asking this question directly encourages the advisor to disclose any potential conflicts, such as commissions from selling specific investment products or incentives from third parties. An advisor who is upfront about conflicts of interest and how they manage them demonstrates a commitment to transparency and ethical practice.

Understanding the advisor’s fees, compensation model, and potential conflicts of interest is fundamental to building a trusting relationship.

These questions help ensure that the financial advice you receive is not only tailored to your needs but also delivered with your best financial interests at heart. As you navigate this conversation, look for clear, straightforward answers that give you confidence in the advisor’s integrity and commitment to fair dealing.

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Section 4: Evaluating Their Investment Strategy

A financial advisor’s investment strategy should align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. This section is designed to uncover the advisor’s approach to managing investments, how they tailor strategies to individual clients, and their processes for tracking and communicating performance.

11. How do you tailor investment plans to each client?

Every investor’s financial situation and goals are unique, necessitating a personalized approach to investment planning.

This question allows the advisor to demonstrate their process for understanding your specific needs and how they translate those insights into a customized investment strategy. Look for an advisor who considers your risk tolerance, financial objectives, and other personal factors when creating your investment plan.

12. Can you explain your investment philosophy?

An advisor’s investment philosophy is the foundation of how they manage portfolios and make investment decisions. Whether they favor active or passive management, focus on long-term growth, value investing, or incorporate sustainable and responsible investing criteria, their philosophy should resonate with your personal investment beliefs and goals.

13. How do you measure and report investment performance?

Understanding how an advisor measures and communicates performance is crucial for tracking the progress of your investments against your financial goals.

Inquire about the benchmarks they use, the frequency and format of performance reports, and how they contextualize performance in the broader scope of your financial plan. Effective communication about performance not only provides transparency but also reassures you of the advisor’s commitment to your success.

14. How do you respond to market volatility or economic downturns?

Market fluctuations are inevitable, and an advisor’s approach to navigating these periods can significantly impact your investment outcomes.

This question sheds light on their strategies for risk management, portfolio rebalancing, and whether they see volatility as a challenge to be mitigated or an opportunity to be exploited.

Related: Is $600,000 Enough for Retirement? What You Need to Know

An advisor’s ability to maintain a steady course and communicate effectively during turbulent times is a testament to their experience and reliability.

This section is pivotal in assessing whether an advisor’s investment approach aligns with your expectations and financial objectives.

By understanding their investment philosophy, how they tailor strategies to individual clients, and their methods for measuring and reporting performance, you can gauge their suitability to manage your investments and help achieve your long-term financial goals.

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2. Each advisor has been vetted by WiserAdvisor and is held to a fiduciary standard to act in your best interests. Use this as a starting point to vetting top-rated financial planners near you.

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Section 5: Planning for the Future

Effective financial planning involves more than just investment management; it encompasses tax strategies, estate planning, and risk management to ensure comprehensive coverage of your financial health. This section focuses on how the advisor integrates these crucial elements into their financial planning process.

15. How do you incorporate tax planning into your financial advice?

Taxes can significantly impact your investment returns and financial planning. An advisor’s ability to incorporate tax-efficient strategies into your financial plan is crucial.

This question allows the advisor to explain their approach to minimizing tax liabilities through investment choices, retirement account contributions, and other tax-advantaged strategies. An advisor skilled in tax planning can help you retain more of your earnings and achieve your financial goals more efficiently.

16. How do you approach estate planning and wealth transfer?

Estate planning and wealth transfer are critical components of a comprehensive financial plan, ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are cared for in the future.

Ask the advisor about their experience in estate planning, how they coordinate with legal professionals, and the strategies they recommend for effectively transferring wealth.

This conversation will highlight the advisor’s capability to handle complex financial planning needs and their commitment to securing your financial legacy.

17. What is your approach to risk management?

Risk management is about identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks to ensure they are adequately managed within your financial plan.

This includes insurance planning to protect against unforeseen events and diversification strategies to mitigate investment risk. Understanding an advisor’s approach to risk management will give you insight into how they plan to protect your assets and financial future against potential threats.

These questions delve into the advisor’s expertise in navigating the complexities of tax planning, estate planning, and risk management. A holistic approach to financial planning that addresses these areas is essential for securing your financial well-being and ensuring that your wealth is preserved and transferred according to your intentions.

As you discuss these topics, look for an advisor who demonstrates a deep understanding of how these elements interconnect with your overall financial plan and who can provide strategic advice tailored to your specific needs.

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Section 6: Client-Advisor Relationship

The relationship between a client and a financial advisor is foundational to successful financial planning. This section explores how the advisor builds and maintains this relationship, including their process for onboarding new clients, handling market volatility, and ensuring clients’ satisfaction over time.

18. What is your client onboarding process?

The onboarding process sets the tone for your relationship with a financial advisor. It should be thorough, allowing the advisor to gain a deep understanding of your financial situation, goals, and preferences.

This question invites the advisor to outline the steps they take from the initial meeting through the establishment of your financial plan, including any assessments, documentation, and communication protocols. An effective onboarding process is indicative of an advisor’s commitment to a personalized and attentive client experience.

19. How do you handle market volatility and economic downturns with your clients?

Market volatility can test the strength of the client-advisor relationship. An advisor’s ability to communicate effectively, reassure clients, and adjust strategies as necessary during these times is crucial.

This question assesses the advisor’s approach to client communication and strategy adaptation in response to market changes. Their answer should reveal not only their strategies for managing investments during downturns but also how they support their clients emotionally during stressful financial periods.

20. Can I speak with a few of your current clients about their experiences?

Asking to speak with current clients offers direct insights into the advisor’s performance and the client experience they provide. While privacy concerns may limit the specifics an advisor can share, many are willing to provide testimonials or arrange conversations with clients who have agreed to speak about their experiences.

Feedback from current clients can be invaluable in assessing the advisor’s reliability, communication style, and effectiveness in achieving financial goals.

This section is vital for understanding how the advisor establishes and nurtures the client-advisor relationship. It highlights the importance of clear communication, personalized service, and mutual trust.

As you explore these questions, consider whether the advisor’s responses align with your expectations for the relationship and whether you feel confident in their ability to guide you through both stable and turbulent financial periods.

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2. Each advisor has been vetted by WiserAdvisor and is held to a fiduciary standard to act in your best interests. Use this as a starting point to vetting top-rated financial planners near you.

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Section 7: Performance and Success Metrics

Evaluating a financial advisor’s performance and understanding how they measure success are critical to ensuring they can meet your financial goals. This section addresses how to gauge the advisor’s effectiveness and their alignment with your expectations for growth, security, and financial planning.

21. How do you define success with a client?

Success in a financial advisory relationship can be defined in various ways, from achieving specific financial goals to ensuring long-term financial security and satisfaction. This question allows the advisor to share their perspective on what makes a client engagement successful.

Look for answers that align with your personal financial objectives, whether that’s reaching a certain net worth, maintaining a desired lifestyle, or passing wealth to the next generation. The advisor’s definition of success should resonate with your financial aspirations and priorities.

22. What has been your biggest failure, and how did you handle it?

Transparency about failures is as important as sharing success stories. This question gives the advisor an opportunity to demonstrate their accountability, resilience, and capacity for learning from mistakes.

How an advisor addresses failures and navigates through them can provide deep insights into their problem-solving skills, integrity, and commitment to their clients’ best interests.

23. How do you stay informed and educated about changes in the financial sector?

The financial sector is dynamic, with constant changes in markets, regulations, and best practices. An advisor’s commitment to ongoing education and staying abreast of industry trends is crucial for providing informed and current advice.

This question assesses the advisor’s dedication to professional development and their strategies for ensuring their advice remains relevant and effective in the evolving financial landscape.

Concluding this section, it’s essential to recognize that a successful client-advisor relationship is built on more than just numbers. It’s about shared definitions of success, the ability to navigate challenges together, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

As you wrap up your conversation with potential advisors, reflect on the insights you’ve gained through these questions and how they align with your financial goals and expectations. The right financial advisor should not only demonstrate expertise and experience but also a deep understanding of your personal financial journey and a clear path to achieving your objectives.

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Finding the Right Advisor

Selecting a financial advisor is a significant step towards securing your financial future. The questions outlined in this article are designed to provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating potential advisors, ensuring they possess the qualifications, experience, and approach that align with your financial goals and values.

From understanding their qualifications and experience to assessing their investment strategies, fees, and how they handle client relationships, each question serves as a critical component in the vetting process.

As you conclude your search for a financial advisor, remember that this decision is about more than just credentials and numbers. It’s about finding a partner who is committed to your financial well-being, who communicates transparently and effectively, and whose approach to financial planning resonates with your personal vision for the future.

The right advisor should inspire confidence, provide peace of mind, and be equipped to guide you through every stage of your financial journey.

We encourage you to approach these conversations with potential advisors as opportunities to learn and gain clarity on your financial path. The answers you receive will not only help you make an informed decision but also lay the foundation for a productive and trusting advisor-client relationship.

Ultimately, the goal is to select an advisor who not only meets your financial needs but also exceeds your expectations in commitment, integrity, and personalized service.

Get Matched with 3 Vetted Advisors Today

1. Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. Wiser Advisor’s free tool matches you with up to 3 financial advisors in less than 5 minutes.

2. Each advisor has been vetted by Wiser Advisor and is held to a fiduciary standard to act in your best interests. Use this as a starting point to vetting top-rated financial planners near you.

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Additional Resources

To further assist you in your search for the right financial advisor, consider exploring the following resources:

Free Advisor Matching Services: Companies like Wiser Advisor offer a free matching service. Simply fill out this brief questionnaire and Wiser Advisor will match you up with up to three vetted advisors that meet your specific needs.

Certification Bodies: Visit websites like the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board) or the Financial Planning Association (FPA) to understand more about financial planning certifications and what they signify.

Financial Planning Tools: Utilize online tools and calculators to get a preliminary understanding of your financial situation and potential needs before meeting with advisors.

Advisor Reviews and Ratings: Research potential advisors through platforms that offer reviews and ratings. Also check out sites like the Better Business Bureau or TrustLink that allows current and former clients to leave online reviews.

Armed with the right questions and a clear understanding of what to look for, you’re now better prepared to find a financial advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals and navigate the complexities of the financial world with confidence.



Steve P Walton

Freelance writer/editor featured in Benzinga, ABC, NBC, Fox. Specializes in personal finance, entrepreneurship, and the US economy.