Outwitting the Devil Review: Is Napoleon Hill’s Book Any Good?

Steve P Walton
7 min readDec 1, 2023


In the realm of personal development and self-help literature, few books stir as much intrigue and controversy as Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting the Devil.”

First written in 1938 but not published until 2011 due to its contentious content, this book offers a profound exploration of the human condition and the forces that hinder personal success.

Hill, renowned for his classic “Think and Grow Rich,” delves into a metaphorical conversation with the Devil to uncover the hidden barriers that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. Through this allegorical dialogue, Hill sheds light on the power of fear, the influence of negative thoughts, and the importance of self-discipline.

In this review, we will delve into the core themes of “Outwitting the Devil,” evaluate its relevance in today’s context, and examine how Hill’s insights can be applied to contemporary challenges in personal and professional growth.

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Key Themes and Ideas:

Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting the Devil” is a compelling exploration of the internal and external forces that impede human success and happiness. The book is structured as a conversation between Hill and the Devil, where the Devil candidly discusses his methods for sowing confusion and fear in people’s minds. Central to this discussion are several key themes:

The Power of Thought

Hill emphasizes the immense power of thoughts, particularly negative thoughts, in shaping one’s life. The Devil claims to control 98% of people through the manipulation of their thoughts, illustrating the critical need for self-awareness and positive thinking.

The Role of Fear

Fear is portrayed as the primary tool used by the Devil to control individuals. This includes the fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death. Hill argues that overcoming these fears is essential for personal liberation and success.

The Importance of Definiteness of Purpose

The book highlights the significance of having a clear and definite purpose in life. According to Hill, without a definite purpose, individuals become susceptible to drifting through life, making them easy targets for negative influences.

The Concept of Drifting

Drifting is described as a lack of self-determination and clear goals, leading to vulnerability and failure. The Devil asserts that most people drift through life without true direction or purpose.

Education and Learning

Hill criticizes the traditional education system for not teaching critical thinking and real-life skills. He advocates for a form of education that empowers individuals to think independently and creatively.

The Power of Self-Discipline

The book underscores the importance of self-discipline in resisting negative influences and staying true to one’s purpose. Discipline, according to Hill, is a key factor in outwitting the Devil.

Through these themes, “Outwitting the Devil” challenges readers to introspect and take control of their lives by understanding and overcoming the mental barriers that hold them back. In the following sections, we will analyze these themes in detail and discuss their practical applications and relevance in today’s world.

Related: Russell Brunson’s “Think and Grow Rich” Challenge with Never-Seen Teachings from Napoleon Hill

Is Hill’s Book Relevant Today?

In dissecting the themes presented in “Outwitting the Devil,” it’s essential to contextualize Napoleon Hill’s insights within the framework of modern challenges and societal shifts. This section examines the book’s key themes, their practical implications, and their enduring relevance in today’s world.

  1. The Enduring Power of Thought: Hill’s emphasis on the power of thought remains profoundly relevant. In an age dominated by social media and constant information flow, managing one’s thoughts against negativity and misinformation is more crucial than ever. The idea of ‘thought hygiene’ aligns seamlessly with contemporary discussions on mental health and resilience.
  2. Confronting Modern Fears: Hill’s exploration of fear resonates strongly today, where fears have evolved but remain just as impactful. The fear of failure, for instance, is a significant barrier in the entrepreneurial and creative landscapes. Understanding and overcoming these fears is vital for personal growth and success in a rapidly changing world.
  3. Definiteness of Purpose in a Multifaceted World: Today’s multifaceted career paths and the gig economy highlight the importance of having a clear purpose. Hill’s concept encourages individuals to navigate through life’s complexities with a strong sense of direction and intentionality.
  4. Drifting in the Digital Age: The concept of drifting is particularly pertinent in an era where distractions are ubiquitous. The digital age, with its endless streams of entertainment and social media, can lead to a lack of focus. Recognizing and combating this drift is essential for achieving personal and professional goals.
  5. Rethinking Education: Hill’s critique of the education system is still valid, especially as the world grapples with the skills gap in rapidly advancing technological fields. There’s a growing need for education systems to foster critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability — skills that are crucial for success in the 21st century.
  6. Self-Discipline in a World of Distractions: The theme of self-discipline is incredibly pertinent in our current context. With the proliferation of distractions and the rise of instant gratification culture, the ability to stay disciplined and focused is more important than ever for achieving long-term objectives.

“Outwitting the Devil” offers timeless wisdom that is strikingly applicable to the modern era. Hill’s insights into the human psyche and the barriers to success prompt a deep introspection and a call to action for individuals seeking to overcome their internal and external limitations. I

In the next section, we will delve into how these principles can be practically applied in various aspects of contemporary life.

Related: Never Released “Think & Grow Rich” Training by Napoleon Hill

Practical Application in Contemporary Life:

Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting the Devil” is not just a theoretical exploration of success and failure; it offers practical strategies that can be applied in everyday life. This section explores how Hill’s principles can be integrated into various aspects of contemporary living.

Cultivating Positive Thought Patterns

In a world often overwhelmed with negativity, consciously practicing positive thinking is crucial. This involves recognizing negative thought patterns and actively replacing them with constructive, empowering thoughts, a practice that can enhance mental health and resilience.

Overcoming Modern Fears

Identifying and confronting personal fears is a vital step towards growth. Whether it’s fear of failure, change, or the unknown, acknowledging these fears and developing strategies to face them can lead to significant personal and professional breakthroughs.

Embracing a Definite Purpose

In a fast-paced and changing world, having a clear purpose provides a sense of direction and motivation. This involves setting specific, achievable goals and regularly reassessing and realigning one’s actions towards these goals.

Avoiding the Trap of Drifting

Staying focused in an era of constant distraction requires deliberate effort. Techniques such as time management, setting priorities, and minimizing distractions are essential to avoid drifting and stay on course towards achieving one’s goals.

Adapting Education for Self-Growth

In the context of Hill’s critique of traditional education, individuals can seek continual learning opportunities that go beyond formal education. This includes self-study, online courses, workshops, and practical experiences that enhance critical thinking and real-world skills.

Practicing Self-Discipline

Implementing self-discipline in daily life is key. This can be achieved through habits such as regular exercise, healthy eating, disciplined work routines, and mindfulness practices. These habits help in building the mental fortitude to resist temptations and stay focused on long-term goals.

By applying these principles, individuals can navigate the complexities of modern life more effectively. Hill’s insights, although conceived in the early 20th century, provide valuable guidance for personal development and achieving success in today’s dynamic world. In the final section, we will conclude the review with a summary of the book’s impact and its enduring legacy.

The Enduring Legacy of “Outwitting the Devil”

In conclusion, Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting the Devil” emerges not only as a thought-provoking exploration of the human psyche but also as a timeless guide to personal empowerment.

Despite being written over eight decades ago, its insights remain strikingly relevant and applicable to the challenges of the modern world. “Outwitting the Devil” is today, often listed as one of Napoleon Hill’s best books, and remains a consistent best-seller on Amazon.

The book’s central premise, that individuals hold the power to shape their destiny through their thoughts and actions, is a message of enduring significance. Hill’s conversation with the Devil serves as a powerful metaphor, encouraging readers to confront their inner fears and negative influences.

This allegorical dialogue challenges readers to think critically about the factors that hinder their success and happiness, making it a compelling read for anyone seeking to understand and overcome personal obstacles.

The practical applications of Hill’s principles, from cultivating positive thought patterns to practicing self-discipline, offer valuable strategies for navigating contemporary life. These principles serve as a blueprint for individuals to take control of their lives, emphasizing the importance of purpose, focus, and resilience.

Moreover, “Outwitting the Devil” stands as a testament to Hill’s visionary understanding of human nature. Its posthumous publication adds to its mystique, suggesting that the ideas it contains were ahead of their time. Today, as we grapple with a rapidly changing world, Hill’s insights offer a guiding light for those seeking to understand and harness the power of their minds.

In essence, “Outwitting the Devil” is more than just a book; it is a philosophical journey that challenges readers to introspect and grow. Its enduring legacy lies in its ability to inspire, provoke thought, and offer practical wisdom for generations of readers.

Whether one agrees with all of Hill’s assertions or not, the book undeniably provides a rich, thought-provoking experience that resonates long after the last page is turned.

For more Napoleon Hill: Get Started with Napoleon Hill’s (Free) 3-Day “Think & Grow Rich” Challenge — Starting Soon.



Steve P Walton

Freelance writer/editor featured in Benzinga, ABC, NBC, Fox. Specializes in personal finance, entrepreneurship, and the US economy.