Why are people so into showing off what they have?

Shahana Dostaliyeva
3 min readJul 20, 2021


Hey there,

Welcome to TrendTopic series. This is my first article, so it would be great if you read and share your thoughts with me in the comment part.

Why are people so into showing what they have? Such an interesting question for digging in.

Actually, it has several reasons and consequences. Like, for some people showing off what they have is a kind of self-satisfaction, self-appreciation, or self-approval. Maybe they have been compared with others from their early ages and they feel in need of comparison to decide either to satisfy with what they have or not. Or maybe by this way they measure the value of their successes and self-sufficiency. Unfortunately, most parents by comparing their children with others create in them the feeling of unsatisfaction and incompleteness for the future. It’s like a chain reaction and nobody understands its vicious circle. If we approach it from this point, maybe it’s okay to show off what you have. If it makes someone happy, self-satisfied, so why not display it?

However, there is a psychological disorder that makes this situation even worse. It is called Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) which is mostly observed in women. People who have this disorder seek excessive attention and they try to achieve it by making loud, dressing inappropriate in public, treating provocative in a sexual means, and so on. In addition, people with this disorder can be easily affected by others. Probably, we should be careful with these excessive attention seekers.

From another paradigm, some people show off just for feeling motivated to do more. It may sound great from first sight if you not doing it for other people and not trying to get their approval. Because motivation is a broad concept and has internal and external sides. Showing off can be considered an external side, and if you get more motivated by this way, I think there is nothing wrong to share. But the point is that sharing is not the same thing as showing off. When you share something you just want people to know that you achieved something by acting in a certain way. Or you can even be or would like to be a mentor, role model for someone else by sharing. Showing off is a much more individual thing that gathers the feeling of insecureness, the need for attention, unconfidence, lack of self-satisfaction, and mostly self-approval.

So, it is your decision now. What kind of human being are you:

  • those who share for getting approval, and feeling satisfied?
  • or those who share to be a true inspiration for someone else?

Note: Being a true inspiration for someone else also can be a need for self-satisfaction?! — questioning this one is up to you.

See you in the next TrendTopic.

P.S. Do what you love.

