SSM Health Halts Gender-Affirming Surgeries: The Struggle for Transgender Care

3 min readJul 22, 2023

SSM Health Halts Gender-Affirming Surgeries: The Struggle for Transgender Care Photo by Katie Rainbow 🏳️‍🌈on Unsplash

In a recent development, SSM Health, a prominent Catholic health care system, has ceased to offer gender-affirming surgeries at their Aesthetic Center in Middleton, Wisconsin. This decision has sparked controversy and concerns within the LGBTQ+ community as it comes amid growing pressure from the Catholic Church to restrict certain gender-affirming care for transgender individuals. Let’s delve deeper into this issue and explore the implications it may have on the broader fight for transgender rights and health care access.

The Decision and Its Impact

SSM Health’s decision to stop providing gender-affirming surgeries has sent shockwaves through the Madison area. The move reportedly took effect recently, leaving both patients and employees blindsided. Even minors and adults seeking to book surgeries at the clinic have been affected by this sudden change. While the health care system remained tight-lipped when approached for comments, insiders revealed that the decision was influenced by mounting pressure from the Catholic Church.

The Church’s Influence on Health Care

The Catholic Church has long grappled with issues related to gender identity and transgender care. In June, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted to amend directives for Catholic health care organizations, opening the door to a potential ban on gender-affirming care for transgender individuals. This decision has raised concerns among advocates for transgender rights and has prompted several Catholic-affiliated health care organizations to reassess their policies.

Lack of Clarity on Transgender Care

While the 14-page guidance document issued by the national network of Catholic bishops seeks to ban Catholic hospitals from performing gender-affirming surgeries and interventions, it does not provide a clear stance on general medical care for transgender patients. This ambiguity leaves many transgender individuals uncertain about their access to critical gender-affirming care, which can be crucial for their well-being and mental health.

Personal Stories Highlight the Impact

Among those affected by this policy shift is 16-year-old Ollie Heide, who was in the process of scheduling top surgery with SSM Health. Ollie’s dream of aligning his physical appearance with his gender identity was shattered when he received a call canceling his surgery. Despite the disappointment, Ollie found hope in rescheduling the procedure at another hospital. However, his story sheds light on the emotional toll and challenges faced by transgender individuals in seeking care.

The Broader Implications

The decision by SSM Health to discontinue gender-affirming surgeries is just one example of how the Catholic Church’s influence can impact health care access for marginalized communities. The LGBTQ+ community has fought tirelessly for equal rights and equitable health care, but such decisions pose significant setbacks on their journey to acceptance and inclusion.


The discontinuation of gender-affirming surgeries by SSM Health highlights the complex and ongoing struggle for transgender rights and health care access. It’s essential for advocates, policymakers, and communities to come together to ensure that all individuals receive compassionate and inclusive medical care, irrespective of their gender identity. As we continue this fight, let us remember that every person deserves the right to live their truth and access the care they need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Originally published at

