One More Article About New Year’s Resolutions

Shamma Raghib
4 min readDec 31, 2015


It keeps coming, from Buzzfeed to Forbes, from Huffington Post to Guardian. Everyone has a say about resolutions 2016.

There are many different topic-wise resolutions too, like Running, Swimming, Travelling etc.

Last night I spent quite a while contemplating about life. My life. My resolutions. I looked back in 2015 to see what resolutions of 2015 have I managed to succeed in and what failed.

Resolutions 2015 completed:

  1. Work for a highly innovative semi-startup company. (Update 2015: I have been working in an extremely innovative data governance company called Collibra since August 2015. Love waking up to my job almost everyday.)
  2. Incorporate a company in Bangladesh. (Update 2015: I incorporated CRC — CritiCare Research Centre with my brother as one of the directors. He will be mainly handling the health projects back home while I oversee the recruitments and the technology aspects).
  3. Start with programming Arduino (Update: Have been playing around with Arduino for a while. Got in touch with the inner geek again. Next year’s project will be updated June 2016)
  4. Continue Startup Weekend Leuven 2015. ( Update: Successfully completed Startup Weekend Leuven 2015 with even more startups being incorporated in various accelerators like KBC startitkbc.
  5. Organise an EU-level Startup / Innovation event. (Update: EYIF — Young Innovators Unconvention event 2015 had a big impact on Startups accross EU).
  6. Write more often (I started writing in my secret blog almost everyday). Looking back at it has helped me realise a lot over time.

Resolutions made in 2015 not completed:

  1. Run every other day — somehow I found excuses to not go outside more often
  2. Travel to Iceland and explore the North. When I first travelled to Iceland in 2014, I did not want to go back. I wanted to stay in Iceland, even be a farmer or whatever and simply explore its beauty because every nook and cranny, every corner of every mountain had something bizzarre and unexpected in nature that I have never seen before, I wanted to go back in 2015 but for whatever reason that did not happen. Maybe in 2016?)
  3. Travel to Four of the Seven continents: I wanted to travel to Asia, Americas, Europe, Australia this year. I did not manage to get a visa for Australia due to my own mistakes during application. But maybe next year, I can cover Australia and Africa. That is a tentative plan yet not a resolution.
  4. Start a tribe. Tribes are hard to define.

Resolutions 2016

I recently read a crowdsourced 3 month resolution by my friend @JeremC

It is amazing what we can do in just a couple of months right? Our lives are passing. Time is the only constant change.

  1. Get back in touch with the #BeTech community
  2. Handover Startup Weekend Leuven 2016 to a new team.
  3. Get Startup Diary as the next Google for Startups
  4. #IAmImmigrant2 and #IAmSHERO initiative. Me and my team of young driven innovators will get a group of ten girls to do social projects impacting their community. Currently I am a board member there actively helping them out. Get in touch with me for more details:
  5. Build a health tech device that will help ICU patients. (The underlying blueprint is ready — it is all about execution now).
  6. Run 20k Brussels. If I do not try I will never know the thrill of biting a medal. :)
  7. Get back in touch with closest friends. I plan to spend time with people who matter. People who have at some point impacted my life in a positive way.
  8. Plan the next phase of life. I plan to invest more this year into long-term planning. Maybe the wealth management. Maybe an investment fund. Maybe a house. Maybe a car. Maybe a great relationship. I plan to invest on Startups too. A return which I may expect someday in future. Something that will benefit me in the long run.
  9. Travel to Australia. I want to bungee jump with my brother.
  10. Blog every week.

So there you go. One more article about New Year’s resolutions.
What is yours? Tag me in comment or tweet me with your answer! Write it down, print it out — keep it infront of you and may it be the first vision board 2016 when you wake up every morning and the last thing you see when you go to bed every night!

