RabbitMQ installation | Windows

Ahmed Anwar
3 min readJul 12, 2022


In this article we will see how to set up RabbitMQ in windows OS

RabbitMQ logo

Erlang Installation:

  1. First Install Erlang OTP Versions Tree (erlang.org) as it is pre-requisite for Rabbit MQ. Currently maint-25 is latest release and it can be changed when you install Erlang.
erlang installation

2. Double click on Erlang Setup and follow the steps

erlang installation

3. Click Next and follow the flow and it will be installed.

RabbitMQ Installation:

  1. Go to Installing on Windows — RabbitMQ and download Rabbit MQ and its version can also change at your time.
RabbitMQ Direct Download

2. Double click on RabbitMQ setup and follow the steps

RabbitMQ Installation

3. Click Next and then choose the location (by default it will be in ProgramFiles)

4. Click Next and during installation Windows Firewall pop-ups can come, you can simply click on Allow Access and it will be installed successfully.

5. Rabbit MQ is now installed successfully. You can view it from start menu


You can also enable the RabbitMQ UI by opening the following app and then type: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management . Default URL is http://localhost:15672/ and default username and password is guest.

RabbitMQ dashboard


In this article, we have seen how to setup RabbitMQ in windows OS and in the next article I will explain how to use RabbitMQ with Steeltoe RabbitMQ wrapper. If there is any confusion you can email me at se.ahmedanwar@gmail.com



Ahmed Anwar

Software Engineer @Trapeze Europe. I have keen interest in System Design and Data structure & Algorithm topics.