Fun Facts About Zeus: ForthBox’s "Myth" Level GMCN NFT

Eunice Sharon Amanda Eyo Oku
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


The Zeus GMCN NFT airdrop was announced by the ForthBox platform on the 10th of February, 2022, and airdropped to eligible candidates 2 days later.

To get more information about the Zeus airdrop, scroll down.

Meaning of GMCN

GMCNs mean "Greek Mythology Character NFTs". These NFTs are named after Greek Gods to bring on the fun to the ForthBox ecosystem.

So basically, the Poseidon GMCN is an NFT character named after a legend in popular Greek mythology.

Who is Zeus in Greek Mythology?

Zeus (also known as “Jupiter,” in Roman mythology) was one of the twelve Olympians (first gods who lived on Mt. Olympus).

He was known by ancient Greeks as the god of the skies, lightning, thunder, order, justice, law, and all of the other gods as well!

He was the son of Cronus (Roman Saturn) and Rhea, as well as the brother of Poseidon (the god of the waters!) and Hades (who was god of hell!).

He was also the father to Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, Helen of Troy, the Muses, and Heracles (who is known by his Roman name Hercules!).

Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Ares, and Hephaestus, are all fellow Greek mythology character NFTs in ForthBox.

Some Fun Facts About Zeus

According to Greek Mythology:

1. He was born in Crete (near Cyprus), and overthrew Cronus to become king of all the Grecian gods.

2. He was the youngest of Saturn’s children, but became the first to live without being swallowed.

3. He was so powerful that he cut his father’s stomach and brought out all his elder siblings (including Hades and Poseidon), who were still babies.

4. He punished Atlas (who had fought with him) by making him hold up the earth in his hands forever.

5. He created the first woman after men defied his orders, and named her Pandora, who (and whose generation) is believed to have been created to cause havoc in men’s lives by being beautiful!

Why Zeus?

It is actually very clear why the ForthBox team decided to name their "Myth" level Greek Mythology Character NFT after the Greek chief god. Zeus is the most powerful of all Greek gods.

The Myth Level is the highest so far, and that is why ForthBox gave him that position, as head of the other ranked level GMCNs.

How to Get Zeus GMCN NFT

1. If there are any more drops of Zeus Greek mythology character NFT m, then you should have fed Ham up to the 13th level. Start minting and feeding here:

2. If users who have already gotten have begun listing them on the NFT Marketplace, you may be able to get your Zeus Greek Mythology Character NFTs on ForthBox's NFT market at

Click on for tips on how to ensure the smooth feeding of Ham up to level 13.

Check if you were eligible for the airdrop on

Will there be any other airdrops?

I can't say for sure. But if ForthBox has plans to do so, then you have to have minted your Ham to 12th level at the time to be considered for the drop.

About ForthBox

ForthBox is a decentralized gaming platform and finance integrated service provider, supporting all types of blockchain games.

The ForthBox platform aims at making gaming worthwhile by transitioning offline folk games into games based on crypto.

ForthBox aims to add over fifteen series of avatar games to its ecosystem, with regular earning payouts for each game users play and earn.

There will also be attractive features like NFT auctioning, DeFi Staking, SocialFi, Metaverse, and a lot more. ForthBox keeps adding more and more offers.

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Eunice Sharon Amanda Eyo Oku

Content Writer || Copy Writer || Blockchain Fervent || Stories & Books Enthusiast || Movie Lover || I love creativity!