Quirks of Humans in 21st Century

Shruti Kamath
5 min readSep 7, 2020


“Every human is a tablespoon of mystery, a dollop of imagination and a hint of magic. Our variety is what adds spice to life on earth.”

Photo by McKenna Phillips on Unsplash

Compatibility. Personality. Characteristics. Such a simple concept that has been studied, analysed and still holds us in its grip. What makes us all tick. What makes us who we are or decide how we interact with others. Nature, Nurture, Environment and then your personal tendencies. To understand another human being we often have to spend quality time with them, observe and silently acknowledge who they are. And then leave that 5% to the factor called flexibility. “People change”.

In this generation of Millennial and Generation Z that flexibility factor has probably gone from 5% to perhaps 15%, while our own flexibility quotient has decreased. Let me introduce you to modern day quirks that we all have in small or big ratios:

  1. Impatience: We want the best of things now. Technology has brought everything to our fingertips: whether its bank transaction/shopping or finding an answer to any question. Thus, patience is not exactly a virtue that is predominant any more.
  2. Ambition: We have a desire to reach out and achieve, much faster and with more rigor then ever. And education has paved that way with online courses, distance education, MBA’s that help you climb the corporate ladder faster and specialization for every single aspect you wish to learn.
  3. Ego and Selfishness: We guard ourselves within auras of composure and calm. Yet, internally, we are far more sensitive to criticism and rebuke. We are quick to blame others for been selfishness, yet ignore when we give in to same. We are also less likely to go out of our ways to help anyone. We believe in independence after-all. We don’t wish to mix our personal and professional relationships. Partly caught in rat race, we turn blind eyes to struggles others are undergoing.
  4. Visionary and Greater Risk Capacity: Our generation has become more willing to take risk, start businesses and work on a vision. Technology has opened options and opportunity like never before. Venture Capitalists and easier loans have helped in their own ways for fueling our dreams. As has the attractiveness of been your own boss.
  5. Complicated: That is one word that sums us beautifully. We want strong bonds without making the effort. We want the best of jobs yet don’t wait long enough for it. We want bigger homes, yet spend the least amount of time in it. In fact sometimes we don’t even know what we want. Yet we are the type of optimist that believe that there is something out there for us. What is that something we have still to discover.

We have many other traits individually, person to person that make us different. Some struggle with emotions, others with expression. Some struggle differentiating between reality and imagination, while others lack imaginations. Some of us are organised to point of frustration while others are messy beyond comprehension. In short we all are imperfect in some ways and on a learning curve of our own.

Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

In times when everyone feels caught in rat race, the time to slow down and make an effort has become harder. So used are we of googling the first question that comes to our mind, that we forget that just because some answers are on our fingertips, others are not. We forget to find time, to even make an effort, to be their for our near and dear ones. To make the effort to see the world from their perspective. Or leave that. Perhaps take time to open up and talk to them. Instant gratification, often leaves behind a habit of impatience. And that perhaps is our biggest downfall.

We often say, olden times were so simple. We wonder how is it that our parents and grandparents have made such good friends. We wonder how did they have time to attend all the functions and celebrations. Or how did they manage to get us where we are today. Sometimes we envy them, for their life seems so much easier, despite the struggles. And then quiet easily we excuse ourselves, saying times were different. That we can’t have what they had. Perhaps its not time but we who changed. As I look at things “our generation” struggles with, I realized that the distance we create is self made.

Photo by Matthew Daniels on Unsplash

We are the ones who don’t wish to be seen as weak. We deny ourselves rights to ask for help. We make big dreams and shatter when those dreams don’t make it. We spend all the time planning for a better future, while the present is sneaking away silently. The mantras have always been the same. It’s we who have forgotten to follow them :

  1. Be Kind : If you can lend a helping hand do so. Else be kind enough not to belittle anyone's struggles.
  2. Be Patient: Things can be hard and people or situations may sometimes act out of your expectations. Give people and yourself a chance.
  3. Be Open minded : Just because you don’t agree, doesn’t make something wrong. Let not your personal bias come in the way of your personal growth.
  4. Be Grateful: There is always something that you have to be thankful for. Find the purpose that your life was made for.
  5. Accept: Honestly, no one is perfect. However we all seek acceptance of sorts. Primarily from ourselves more than anyone else. So accept your own quirks and accept that of others.
  6. Teach : Be willing to help people, to teach and share with them your knowledge and experience. For as you share, you also learn.
  7. Express : No one can really read your mind. It’s easier when people communicate what’s on their mind. That way we can be clearer on what is the struggle or need for change that’s required.
  8. Find time: Call your friends, sit and talk to your family during meal times. Observe people around you and make an effort to be physically and mentally present in every moment with them.
  9. Let go: You can’t have it all. You are but one person and you will often fail in something or the other. Stop been so hard on yourself for it.
  10. Be Present : Learn to control your tendencies to bring your work stress home or thinking or vice versa. Be present where ever you are , in that time. That way you would be able to maintain the balance in life.
  11. And Finally, Be Courageous: We may face uncertainties everyday, but we also are blessed to be alive in a generation that has wider options and opportunities. Something we should never forget. And since we are here, we may as well as take the risks worth taking.



Shruti Kamath

If words were indeed a window to our souls, then I say bring it on :) A poetry enthusiast dwelling on meanings deeper than what the eye sees.