App Design for iPhone X style

Roman Malinovskyi
2 min readOct 19, 2017


Music Player
Everyone likes music. Here is a sample how the future design of player will look like. All corners have design according to the borders of iPhone X.
Just clean, simple and smart. Perfect.


Since we have more space on the screen it should be used edge to edge for useful information. The best use of this is the map. The Designer adopted the map to new iOS 11 that will be available on iPhone X.


Here is a simple animation that can show all brightness and smoothness of new iOS11 on iPhone X.

Carriers-like Apps

There are no doubts that big corporations will update their apps as soon as it possible according to new Style of iPhone X. Who knows, maybe Uber app will look this an example.

Shopping Apps

All internet shopping apps also will have a space for implementing wide ideas for selling its products.

Home Page

Of course, the app owners should remember that first impression is important for future usage of the app. The user decides while first 5 sec to delete the app or not. Hopefully, new iOS11 on iPhone X allows us to show all aspects of application capabilities.

