SealBlock Security Bug Bounty Program

6 min readDec 22, 2018


Try to hack SealBlock wallet and earn ETHs


Update 05/16/2019: SealBlock platform token SKT has been listed recently on two crypto exchanges: EtherFlyer and Bilaxy. The token has been traded around 0.000008 ETH at the moment. To make the SealBlock Bounty program more compelling, we have transferred 10 million SKT tokens to the bounty hot wallet. In total, the bounty wallet has now 74 ETH and 13 million SKT tokens valued around $50k USD. We continue to welcome hackers and white hat researchers from global to test our hot wallets online and identify security vulnerabilities to legally steal the crypto money for good.


Update 04/25/2019: SWFT Blockchain and SealBlock jointly announced that SealBlock’s Security Bug Bounty program has successfully completed the partnership with SWFT Blockchain. The 500,000 SWFTC tokens contributed by SWFT to this program have been securely returned to SWFT. In the course of the last three months of the program, more than 50 registered white hat hackers attacked and attempted to breach the demo service. There were even more anonymous hackers who repeatedly conducted hidden attacks. The SealBlock team observed attack traffic from China, Europe and Russia, but ultimately no hackers were able to break the service and steal the crypto tokens.


Update 01/21/2019: SWFT Blockchain, the one-stop cross-chain wallet app, has joined the SealBlock Security Bug Bounty Program. SWFT Blockchain has contributed 500,000 SWFTC tokens and 20 ETH to the bounty wallet stored in the SealBlock Secure Wallet online service.

We would like to thank SWFT Blockchain for its trust and confidence in SealBlock’s secure wallet technology.


Update 01/03/2019: Happy New Year, everyone! The SealBlock bounty program has been up for two weeks now. We’d like to thank all participants who were actively hacking. No serious security bugs were found and no wallet has been hacked so far. To encourage more sophisticated hacks that require more time and effort, we decided to increase the bounty again. Now the bounty is 60 ETH (currently at around $9000 value) and 3 million SKT tokens. Come practice your hacker skills and grab the bounty!


Update 12/27/2018: We announced the SealBlock bounty program last week. The first group of people is already attacking our wallet. We see numerous port scanning, SQL injections, and other attacks. No wallet has been hacked so far. To encourage more people to participate, we have increased the bounty to 40 ETH and 2 million SKT tokens. Good luck hacking!


Today we are excited to announce the launch of SealBlock Security Bounty Program. We encourage any users and developers from SealBlock community and white-hat hackers to test the SealBlock Secure Wallet service and help us pinpoint any security issues, especially those that can lead to loss of funds. You will be awarded cryptocurrency if you can find serious security bugs.

We have put two wallets with real crypto money (20 ETHs and 1 million SKT ERC-20 tokens) in the online service. Therefore, if you can hack into the service, you can get the money as your reward. Does it sound fun? Before you start with your attempts to hack our wallet, let’s get started by understanding how the SealBlock portal works.

How to use the SealBlock Secure Wallet Portal

1. Chrome browser is the only browser SealBlock service supports at the moment. You also need to install MetaMask extension (Go to in Chrome browser and install the Chrome extension). After installation, log in to MetaMask. It will create an account which stores a private key locally in your computer. You will need to use this MetaMask local account to log in and approve transfers in SealBlock Secure Wallet Portal.

2. Sign Up an account on SealBlock Secure Wallet Portal. You will need a Referral Code in order to sign up an account. Contact to get the code and the URL of the Portal.

3. Login to SealBlock Secure Wallet Portal by clicking on Login button on the front page and then click sign in the MetaMask popup. Then MetaMask will sign a message with the local private key and this signed message will be used for authenticating to the Portal. No password is required — secure and easy.

4. Manage wallets on the Dashboard. You can see the balance of each wallet and create transfer request on the Dashboard for each wallet you have.

5. Create a wallet on Create Wallet section. By default, you will be the only approver of the wallet that you create. You can provide the email address of another user and click Add Approver to add another approver for the wallet. If the email address is not associated with another user, ask the user to sign up an account first with the email address. Provide a Wallet Alias and select Wallet Type (e.g., Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.). After wallet creation, you can go to the Dashboard to manage the wallet.

6. Create a transfer request on the Dashboard. Provide a Recipient Address and Amount, then click the Transfer button. A transfer request is now created.

7. Approve transfer request on Approve Transfers. Check if the details (e.g., Recipient Address, Amount) are correct, then click on Approve, a MetaMask window will popup. Click on the Sign button to sign the request.

8. Submit a request in Approve Transfers section. If you are not the user who created the request, then the Submit button will not show. If you are, click the Submit button to submit the transaction to the blockchain network. If there are multiple approvers on the wallet, all approvers will need to approve the transfer request before it can be submitted to the blockchain network.

9. Check transactions in the Transaction History section. You can check all your transactions at Transaction History section. You can see the Wallet address, Recipient Address, Amount, Create Time, Approval Status, Transaction Status, Receipt, etc.

Practice Your Hacking Skills and Earn Crypto Money

We encourage you to hack our wallets created in the SealBlock Secure Wallet Portal. We welcome anyone from the crypto community and hacker community. You can be a regular user, a developer, or a professional hacker. As long as you are interested in participation, simply shoot us an email at We will provide you with the URL of this Portal and the Referral Code so that you can sign up an account there and start the hacking.

We have put approximately 20 ETH and 1 million SKT tokens in the following wallets: 0x980203360ef7859fa41b64002122495bdc04a63e and 0xea59253c44ee94100a5ae17e2a1a27ff9072e44f, respectively. Both wallets stored in the Portal as you can see from the screenshots below. The money will be legally yours if you can get them from the wallet. Have fun!




SealBlock is the industry's first programmable, hardware-based HOT wallet solution for securing digital keys and transactions #Blockchain