Made To Stick: Book Review from Review Before Read

Sean Paul
4 min readSep 29, 2021


GENRE Non-Fiction

AUTHOR(s) Chip Heath & Dan Heath PAGES 295 YEAR OF PUBLISH 2007 RELATED BOOKS One sentence persuasion, Influencers



Do you remember your school days? there have been teachers, with whom you discover a way of connection. What they’re delivering and what you’re absorbing. and so there was another set of teachers, whose teaching always went over your head. Made to stay discusses an analogous instance when a doctorate researcher conducted a test on university students. She asked to guess a song(happy birthday) by tapping its beats on the table. Unlike expected, one in forty got the song. This was surprising because it was the simplest thing to urge. Yes, it absolutely was easy, for the one who was tapping the beats because the tone was being played inside her head. this is often called the Curse of information. It happens because the deliverer and therefore the receiver aren’t on the identical plane. that’s why journals of scientists and researchers go unnoticed to the masses.

How to have an inspiration which is formed to Stick? Robert Cialdini wanted to find out about astronomy. While searching, he found most of the articles were stuffed with jargon which was painfully boring. Then came something interesting, a question: How can we account for what’s perhaps the foremost spectacular thing in our system, the rings of Saturn? How could three acknowledged institutions- MIT, Cambridge & Cal Tech come to different conclusions? the solution was dust. But the purpose is, it drew the eye of layman Cialdini. He started digging more into it. Here is that the notable point: Making things Mysterious. If you would like your ideas to stay, don’t put all of them in once. Create a way of mystery to draw curiosity. There was a billboard for The New Enclave minivan. Initial pictures of its features. the subsequent scene shows a cheerful family riding it with smiling faces. within the final scene, the minivan was hit by a car and was shattered. The screen turns black. A message comes “Didn’t see that coming?” “No one ever does”. “Buckle up”. This advertisement wasn’t a car commercial but Road safety. Another thing to jot down: Making things Unexpected. after you are near to inject a thought give them what they never expect.

Now the last lesson. Imagine a woman rings your bell. She is collecting donations for kids who are starving in Africa.

Statement 1: Food shortage has effects on 3 million Malian children, please help them. Statement 2: Any money you donate will attend Rokia. A seven-year-old who is desperately poor. Your support can reduce her suffering and lots of more like her. Which statement will compel you more for donation? Reachers found the amount of the donation was almost double for statement 2. Majority of the time you deliver a message you expect people to worry the identical way as you are doing. That doesn’t happen. For your idea to hit deep inside your audience: It needs a private touch. you wish to form a simulation where people can experience empathy.

REVIEW OF MADE TO STICK ‘Made to Stick’ is my first book in learning the art of persuasion. Yes, that’s my current area of interest in reading and watching, just completed the Mad Men series. Similar books are within the queue. Chip Heath & Dan Heath have carefully used all his teachings in authoring this book. I always enjoy learning from examples and here I found lots of them in support of their points. Besides exceptional theories, writing is surprisingly simple and uncomplicated. It felt just like the author was talking to me face to face. Secondly, these teachings mustn’t be looked at only as a tool for advertisers or for writing articles. Its scope reaches where you deliver your idea verbally or non-verbally. The last part was of studies conducted by the author. Further, if you’re out of patience, read the eighth chapter and you may get the crux of the book. Whether you prefer the concept of persuasion or not, ‘Made to stick’ deserves your attention.

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