Using SSH with your RaspberryPi

Sean King
2 min readFeb 4, 2017


Begin by turning the RaspberryPi on and logging into the Raspbian operating system that has come pre-installed on the NOOBs SD card. If you do not have the Raspbian OS installed you can view a tutorial here.

Next enable SSH on the RPi. You can do this using the Raspbian GUI by going to Start Menu -> raspi-config -> Advanced Settings -> tick the SSH box

Once SSH has been enabled you can use your client (in my case Macbook pro) to log into the RPi remotely by typing the following command into your terminal:

(unix only)

ssh <pi-username>@<ip-address>

The default username and password for RPi’s are ‘pi’ and ‘raspberry’ respectively. You can view your IP address on the RPi by clicking on the VNC icon on the taskbar or by typing ifconfig into the terminal.

Once you have successfully entered the password and logged in you should see the following screen.

The next step is going to involve setting up a development environment to begin working with the RPi.

<part 2>

