Sean Angus MacKinnon
1 min readSep 19, 2017

The first 5 minutes day 1

Alright, commencing the first five minutes writing exercise. No time to think, but just write. I’m in Kyiv Ukraine staying with a friend of mine, he’s at work and I’m enjoying solitude. Eating little snacks and reading reading and reading, it’s an absolute pleasure. I just read an article about some American kids from a small town who ended up guarding Saddam Hussein and eventually, against the regulations of the U.S. army, befriending him in the oddest of ways.

The piece concludes with the main character returning home to his small American town and hearing later from his replacement that Saddam was devastated that he never said goodbye.

I just left a refugee camp in Greece last week and didn’t have time to say goodbye, an odd comparison, but it’s something that’s been in my head, the uncalculable importance of interaction — theres some qoute on that, man cannot live on bread alone…

I prefer not to say goodbye just to conclude things with the understanding that it’s earth, life shall continue and at best we’ll