7 Coding Hacks Every Junior Developer Needs to Know

Likely Coder
3 min readSep 29, 2024


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Starting your career as a software developer can feel like being thrown into the deep end of a pool. You’re learning new languages, working on unfamiliar projects, and constantly trying to improve your skills — all while keeping up with a rapidly changing industry. As a junior developer, you might often feel overwhelmed. The good news? You’re not alone! Here are seven practical coding tips that will help you level up faster and feel more confident in your journey.

1. Break Big Problems Into Smaller Tasks

When faced with a daunting coding challenge, it’s easy to freeze. But here’s a simple trick: break down large problems into smaller, more digestible chunks. Before writing a single line of code, outline the steps in plain English. Not only will this make the problem easier to approach, but it’ll also guide your coding process step by step.

As the saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Apply this philosophy to your code.

2. Keep It Simple: Start by Making it Work

New developers often try to write overly complex code in an attempt to impress. But trust me, simplicity is key. Start by writing code that just works, then refactor it for readability and maintainability later. Overcomplicated code often leads to more bugs and harder maintenance down the line.

A good rule to follow is: “Make it work, make it clean, then make it fast.”

3. Master the Art of Clean Code

Clean code is readable, maintainable, and efficient. Focus on naming conventions, structure, and clarity in your projects. A common mistake is trying to cram everything into long methods. Instead, break large functions into smaller, more focused ones that do just one thing.

You’ll thank yourself later when debugging or when someone else has to review your code.

4. Build Personal Projects to Showcase Your Skills

If you’re looking to impress potential employers, nothing beats a portfolio of personal projects. Start small by solving real-world problems you’re passionate about. This approach not only solidifies your coding knowledge but also shows your problem-solving capabilities​.

5. Seek Out Constructive Feedback

Getting feedback, especially constructive criticism, is a key part of becoming a better developer. Whether it’s from teammates, open-source contributors, or an online coding community, learning where you can improve is invaluable.

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on both your code and your problem-solving approach.

Bonus tip: If you’re working solo, contribute to open-source projects or attend coding meetups to get feedback from more experienced devs.

6. Leverage Existing Libraries and Tools

Don’t reinvent the wheel! Many junior developers spend too much time coding solutions that already exist. Before jumping into a new task, check out libraries or open-source solutions that can do the heavy lifting for you. However, make sure you fully understand how these solutions work before integrating them into your project​.

This is key to writing robust, scalable code.

7. Get Comfortable with Your IDE (Text Editor)

Your text editor or IDE is your primary tool, so mastering it is a must. Learn the keyboard shortcuts, install helpful plugins, and set up your environment in a way that boosts your productivity​.

The more efficient you are with your tools, the faster you can code, debug, and ship features.


Being a junior developer is an exciting, albeit challenging, phase of your career. By focusing on small wins — whether it’s mastering clean code, breaking down problems, or seeking feedback — you’ll quickly find yourself improving both in skills and confidence. Remember, every senior developer was once where you are now. With the right mindset and these practical tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a standout developer.

Happy coding!

