Sean DavisUsing directory-local variables to customize the emacs project experienceI use emacs for nearly all my editing and interactive analysis. As one typically does, more than one project is the norm, not the…Dec 9, 2018Dec 9, 2018
Sean DavisInfrastructure-as-Code: Building the Bioconductor Conference AMI With PackerRepublished from my blog.Jul 19, 2018Jul 19, 2018
Sean DavisExtracting Clinical Information Using the Genomicdatacommons PackageI recently added functionality to the Bioconductor GenomicDataCommons package to extract clinical data. Details are available in this post:Mar 25, 2018Mar 25, 2018
Sean DavisProtect Against Secrets in Git RepositoriesThis post is available in its entirety here.Dec 2, 2017Dec 2, 2017
Sean DavisA Computable Bioconductor Build ReportBioconductor spends a substantial amount of effort to build its catalog of software each day. Reporting of these results is critical for…Nov 18, 2017Nov 18, 2017
Sean DavisNovember Bioinformatics and Data Science PapersJust for fun and to build up my external brain, I am starting a series of posts that simply capture my papers of interest for the month…Nov 18, 2017Nov 18, 2017
Sean DavisAdding academic value to open source software through open access publishingI spend my day (when I am not in meetings) in front of a computer. My “research”, like so many others in the field of cancer research…Jul 15, 2016Jul 15, 2016