Modeling Punishment Uniforms Ch. 05

Seane Rose
11 min readMar 14, 2021


[Readers will likely find this story more enjoyable if they have read the earlier chapters. This story takes place in the Women’s Republic of the future where women are in charge. You can read more about it in my series, “A Very Shameful Punishment”. These stories include subjects such as bodily functions and sometimes severe discipline. Those who do not want to read about those topics should read no further. All characters are over 18. My thanks to Susan Greenway for graciously permitting me to use some of her characters in this series.]

Jan had Kate with her when she returned to the local re-education center to pick up her own punishment uniform. She realized she was setting herself up for some major embarrassment — even right now — when she had allowed her 18-year-old stepdaughter to discipline her.

When Jan married into the family, she learned soon that Steve’s late wife, Gloria, had ruled the roost. Her husband, Steve, and the three grown children, Deirdre, 25, Steve Jr., 23, and Kate, 18, had all been dominated by Gloria, a flashy blonde who obviously was a natural take-charge type. Kate was the only one who had some strong backbone and an incipient tendency to take charge.

Jan liked seeing this characteristic for while she herself was dominant, she didn’t want to always be the one doling out the discipline, as Gloria apparently had been doing for a long time. Kate had just been initiated into the family formal discipline meeting when she turned 18. Jan also learned that after the punishment was carried out, the family moved en masse into Gloria and Steve’s massive bed for sex galore.

Kate was new to that, although she showed no reluctance to join in. Jan, too, had only been dimly aware of this before Steve and she were married. She liked it but again, didn’t want to always be in command. Under the Women’s Republic, she was of course the “responsible woman” of the household and thus in charge formally.

However, she had brought Kate to the center to receive disciplinary training and now would involve her as she had in letting her handle Deirdre’s disciplining earlier. They arrived at the center and oth CPL Georgia, who had assembled the punishment uniforms for the family on Jan’s first visit, and SFC Linda, the noncom in charge who had conducted Kate’s training, were present and smiled at seeing Jan and Kate.

“Back so soon?” CPL Georgia greeted them with a smile. Jan kept smiling herself, but then managed to respond, “Yes, we’ve decided that I should get one of the uniforms, too.”

“You’re the responsible woman, right?” CPL Georgia asked, somewhat confused.

“Yes,” Jan responded, “but sometimes I need to be taken in hand, and my stepdaughter here was well trained by the Sergeant and will be able to deal with that.”

“That’s quite admirable,” the auburn-haired and highly attractive SFC Linda chimed in. “We all do well to recognize that we do all have the need to be corrected on occasion.”

SFC Linda drew on her own experience. She had been disciplined in the Correctional Service on more than one occasion but now had risen to where she was a ranking noncom and was the highest-level one here. 1LT Susan was the center commander and placed great reliance on SFC Linda, especially since she had been in the cadre of the special unit at Correctional Service headquarters that dealt with service members who earned discipline as the price of their continuing to serve.

Kate handed CPL Georgia the measurements she had taken for Jan and the corporal disappeared to gather the clothing.

“Have you been disciplined yet?” SFC Linda asked Jan.

Jan blushed but manage to answer that she had just that day allowed Kate to take charge of her.

“I behaved badly,” she said, “so I decided to submit to a spanking. It evolved into my being caned as well. I think I benefited from the experience, because now I have more awareness of what it feels like to be in that position.”

“It’s good,” SFC Linda told her. “You know that I served at the special unit that corrects Correctional Service officers who are in danger of being cashiered. Well, I was taken on staff there after having earlier been sent there by a center commander who felt I had earned that award.”

Jan looked surprised. “I didn’t realize that the Service had its own system for that,” she said slowly.

“Yes,” SFC Linda responded. “It is quite serious and those sent there know that it is their last chance before being ousted in disgrace. Most fear and dislike it, but I now appreciate that it gave me the correction I needed, and since then, I have advanced without further interruption.

“I know that you do training here, as you did for Kate,” Jan said, “and of course you deal with men who have been sent for re-education by the responsible woman in their household. And then I’ve known one woman who sent her husband here to be placed in a re-education camp. But do you provide anything for women in my position?”

“Yes,” SFC Linda answered. “I can put you through the senior advanced training. We don’t get asked for it much but I can assure you that you will benefit if you do it.”

Jan discussed it a bit more and Linda put her down for a two-day stay at the center in three weeks’ time.

CPL Georgia returned with the punishment uniform for Jan, all packaged neatly.

Jan and Kate both thanked her and SFC Linda, and Jan smiled as she said she looked forward to her training.

After they left, Linda told CPL Georgia that getting the chance to train Jan was going to be good for the center because if she emerged pleased, even after undergoing the rigorous two-day session, word would spread among other responsible women in the area with whom Jan socialized, to the benefit of the center.


When they returned, Jan looked at Kate and said she was going to try the punishment uniform on. She smilingly invited her stepdaughter to join her. Kate found herself aroused by the looming likelihood that she would get to discipline her stepmother yet again and soon.

This time, Jan behaved more properly. She unzipped her skirt and slipped it down and off and opened the package. She took out the punishment panties with their leather piping on the leg holes and waist, and after slipping her own undies off, she stepped into these and pulled them up.

Soon she had put on the training bra and the plain white blouse, with the very short, flared skirt following. Lastly, she pulled up the pink thigh-his and tied the laces on the brown oxfords.

“Now you know why it makes you feel like a schoolgirl,” Kate gushed.

“I think I’ll keep it on for a while,” Jan responded.

“Does that mean I’m in charge?” Kate ventured. “I’m not trying to take your place, but…”

“Yes,” Jan replied, “I think you should take charge to get me more experience. Since I need to use the bathroom, perhaps you’ll go with me now?”

“Of course,” Kate responded, and the two moved into Jan’s en suite bathroom.

“May I use the toilet?” Jan asked, observing what she knew was the proper procedure for those wearing a punishment uniform.

“You may sit on the toilet,” Kate answered curtly. “Then you may flip your skirt up, but you will keep your panties up for now.”

“Thank you, Miss,” Jan replied. She did what she had been allowed.

“May I pull them down?” she then asked quietly.

“What do you need to do?” Kate responded.

Jan felt her face flush and managed to answer, “I need to pee…and to have a bowel movement.”

“Very well,” Kate said briskly. “Lower your panties but do not start to urinate or defecate until you are given permission.”

Jan tugged her punishment panties down and then sat there with them at her knees and her dark bush on display to her now dominating stepdaughter.

“Now you may begin peeing,” Kate announced. “Do not release any poo until you are given permission.”

Jan did not have trouble releasing her pee. She cringed as she heard her stream ping against the porcelain bowl and then fall into the water.

She looked up at Kate, and now felt the shame of being made to get permission to shit.

“Are you ready to go plop-plop?” Kate asked, with a grin.

“Yes, Miss Kate,” Jan said in a small voice. “May I make my doody?”

“You may,” Kate answered without emotion.

Jan realized that she would indeed go plop-plop. She relaxed her anal sphincter and as she had for so long, felt relaxed and a little bit turned on as she felt her bowel movement slide out of her.

When she had finished, she asked permission to wipe.

Kate nodded and Jan carefully took some toilet paper and ran it from her vulva right through to her anus. She felt the slight amount of fecal residue there and figured she wiped most of it with this stroke. She looked at the soiled paper, seeing the brownish smear that showed her that she needed to wipe at least once more.

As Kate watched her, staring at her prominent bush and her spread legs and labia, Jan wiped her privates one more time, checked the paper, saw it was clean, and smiled.

Kate motioned to her to stand. Jan had pulled up her panties and let her skirt down.

Kate moved closer and told her, “I’m going to lock your panties, Jan. You need to experience what it’s like before you order it for others.” She took the small lock and carefully threaded it through the loops at the side of Jan’s punishment panties. She snapped it and Jan now realized that Kate would control when she next was able to pee or shit…unless she went in her panties.

The shame that that thought inspired in her made her secrete more vaginal juices and she felt the crotch of the little panties get wetter.

Now Kate had two charges in punishment garb: her stepmom and her older sister. Deirdre still was wearing the uniform from the day before and her panties remained locked except when Kate took her to the toilet.

She walked with Jan back to her stepmom’s bedroom.

As they walked, her brother, Steve Jr., red-haired and buff, came by and pinched her on the rear of her slacks. Kate gave him a withering look and he came back and took her in his arms. She loved being held tight by him. They had always been close and now felt even more so. This was so even though Steve was submissive like his Dad and his sister Dee.

Kate whispered in his ear that she wanted him to come with her and Jan. He took her hand and Jan’s in the other and they all promenaded down the hall to Jan’s master bedroom.

When they arrived, Steve looked at Jan in her punishment uniform.

“So, you’re in her control too?” he queried his stepmom.

“It’s part of my gaining experience,” Jan responded coolly.

Kate gave him a come-hither look that he knew meant she wanted him to undress her. Kate urged Jan to lie down on the far side of the bed. Then she allowed Steve to unbutton her blouse, expose her white bra — she did not have that much of a chest, but they weren’t teeny either. Then she unzipped her skirt, slipped everything off, and stood in her cute pink hicuts.

Steve shed his shirt, shorts, socks, and shoes. Then he let Kate take down his y-fronts. He was hard, all eight inches or so. Kate responded by slipping her hicuts down and off. Now her shaved pudendum was on full display. She motioned to Steve to lie down on his back on the bed. He obliged her and then she clambered on top of him facing him. She was far enough down that he could easily lean forward and hold her while they kissed deeply.

Then Kate maneuvered, still in total control, and placed his cock at the entrance to her tight quim. She moved down on it and felt it penetrate her, to her delight. She just loved fucking Steve, more than anyone else. She felt bad for Jan, except that by sharing Steve, the two were having a holiday every day.

Steve tried to move but Kate was the one leading the in-and-out this time. She motioned to Jan to climb up behind her and lie down with her face between Kate’s legs. Jan moved up so her mouth was close enough to Kate’s crotch to lick her between her legs.

Kate indicated that she wanted her to apply her tongue and lips to Kate’s cute little anal rosette. Jan did it. Kate tasted almost sweet but had the characteristically acrid anal flavor. She insinuated her tongue into Kate’s back chute. Now she inhaled the inner air of Kate’s rectum.

Meanwhile, Kate and Steve were fucking as only two young people could. Kate was relishing Steve’s tool plowing her inner self. She realized that she had been fucking since she was 13 and had been doing it with her brother for at least three years, well before Kate had been initiated into the family shindig on her 18th birthday.

Steve was on the receiving end, but Kate felt she was getting close to her cum. She winked at Steve and now she let him take over some of the in-and-out motion. She knew he was close too. Suddenly, she felt the feeling slowly move up her torso but concentrate in her loins. Steve started to move his cock fast and then it happened. He burst inside her and his jism shot deep into her. She adored the feeling and him. He leaned up and kissed her sweetly and gradually shrank out of her.

She turned and looked at Jan. She didn’t need to point or say anything. Jan moved her lips and tongue from Kate’s anus down to her cunt. Jan’s mouth arrived just as the combined outflow of Kate’s vaginal juices and Steve’s cum merged and flowed right out of her into Jan’s open mouth. It was salty and a little sweet, Jan thought as she swallowed it.

Some moms might have found this humiliating, but creampies were something Jan lived for. She licked and licked and swallowed until her stepdaughter was dry, well, not dry some menopausal woman, and even Jan was far away from that day.

Steve was tuckered out although he knew he could go again soon and wondered if Jan would want him in her, or if Kate wanted him in Jan, which was the more pertinent desire for him to focus on.

Kate took him in her arms as they stood, and he held her tight and kissed her for what seemed a century. Then Kate grinned at him and whispered to him that she wanted him to go put on his uniform. He was cranked enough so it didn’t frost him.

Kate smiled as she reckoned that now her mom, her older sis, and her brother were all in the Correctional Service’s best punishment uniforms. She wrapped a towel around her and headed for the shower. But she didn’t leave before she carefully locked Steve in his panties, too.;

