Becoming a more wholesome person

Sean Pan
2 min readNov 15, 2017


It seems like every article I read is about some new money making scheme. People are trying their best to earn as much income as possible. This can be from getting a new career as a coder, picking up a new side hustle, or investing in Bitcoin. However, I rarely see posts about becoming a more wholesome person. If money was so abundant that we didn’t have to worry about it anymore, what other attributes of life should we focus on?

I think there are several skills that everyone should learn. One of my favorites is learning how to speak publicly without being scared. There are thousands of Toastmasters clubs in the United States. Every member in the group is dedicated to helping other members improve on their public speaking skills. It’s a great environment to try something new and fail. If you mess up, it’s ok! You’re in a safe environment.

Another skill that everyone should learn is how to take care of their bodies. You only get one! Learn how to do basic exercises and learn how to maintain a healthy diet. I eat junk food, but it’s few and far between. I also like to workout every day to keep my energy up and maintain my form.

Next year, I plan on expanding my horizons by taking singing lessons. For anyone that knows me, I can’t sing for my life. It’s so bad that when I sing along in the car, the driver has to change the channel to prevent their ear drums from popping. I believe that learning how to sing will make life more enjoyable.

Always think of expanding your horizons and getting out of your comfort zone. You only have one life, make the best of it!

Looking forward to the future, the possibilities are endless.



Sean Pan

Sean is a real estate investor in the Silicon Valley, Bay Area. He is the host of the Everything Real Estate Investing Show. See more at