The Average

Sean Pan
1 min readOct 18, 2017


You are the average of the 5 people you hang around the most. If your friends are single and go out every weekend, there’s a good point that you will also be single and go out every weekend. If they’re ambitious high achievers, then you are likely to be one as well.

I’ve made it a point to surround myself with people who are better than me. I love surrounding myself with mentors and people I look up to because it helps me understand how they got there and I can visualize how I can get there myself. For example, I’ve been attending real estate investment meet ups for a year and a half now. Every time someone talks to me, the first thing they ask me is ‘what kind of deals do you do?’. After a year of telling them, ‘I don’t have anything but I’m thinking of going in’, I got sick of it and just did a deal. Being around action takers forced me to take action. Now I can say that I’m a legitimate real estate investor with properties in Jacksonville and a flip in Sunnyvale.

Stick with great people and you will be great yourself!

Looking forward to the future, the possibilities are endless.



Sean Pan

Sean is a real estate investor in the Silicon Valley, Bay Area. He is the host of the Everything Real Estate Investing Show. See more at