Sean Kaye
2 min readNov 28, 2015


I think as someone else has said, this is getting blown way out of proportion.

There’s a legal framework for stuff like this to be dealt with, the copyright holder files a request, the company hosting the content removes it.

I have Udemy courses and I’ve had them copied with every single lecture being posted on YouTube. In one instance the person had stolen over 100 Udemy courses and posted them to YouTube.

This person also had ads turned on so YT/Google were getting paid to show ads against my stolen content. I then had to file numerous DMCA takedown requests because YT limit the number of videos you can identify as infringing on their form.

I doubt YouTube or Google refunded the advertisers whose ads were shown against my stolen content, but I bet you a cold beverage that they didn’t pay the thief, so Google profits 100%.

To be fair, they quickly removed the videos once I filed the forms and that’s the way the legal process works. I don’t think YT or Google are thieves or accuse their entire business model of being “shady” despite the fact that it is a known fact that the founders of YT had a very sketchy approach to copyright materials in the early days.

A number of Udemy Instructors (myself included) in the thread you’ve copied and pasted Eliza’s response from (as well as other threads in closed groups you can’t see) have spoken out saying Udemy needs to do more to combat this kind of thing.

With that said though, basically calling them out as somehow sneakily reaping the benefits of piracy as though it’s somehow part of their business model is way over the top.



Sean Kaye

Experienced technology professional with a wide range of interests including sports, digital marketing, business, management, politics and technology.