Thankful for the Journey, and Looking Forward to What’s Next

Sean Bowie
3 min readSep 7, 2021


I will always remember sitting in my car outside of the state capitol on the morning of March 11th, 2015. I was about to file paperwork to run for the state senate in the community I grew up in, and I was terrified.

Very few people gave me a chance of winning the race. As a shy introvert, the thought of knocking on doors, asking for money, or speaking in public scared me. Was I ready to put myself out there and run for office, something I never thought someone like me could do?

There was no turning back. After filing, I proceeded to spend the next year and a half working to flip a seat that had never been flipped before. I knocked on over 15,000 doors, lost over twenty pounds, and went on to win by three percentage points.

I love my job. It’s why during session I arrive at the office early every morning, visit all my schools, attend community events, and knock on so many doors. I have a banner in my Senate office that says “my heart is in the work,” and I mean it.

At the same time, it’s important to know when to step aside. That’s why, after many months of reflection and consideration, I have decided not to run for re-election to the Arizona state senate next year.

This was one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made, but it is one that I feel is the right choice for me going forward.

Anyone who has ever run for office, or served themselves, can tell you about the many sacrifices that come with the experience. As much as I love my job, the last year and a half has pushed me to consider what is most important going forward.

One of those things is seeking a better balance between my personal life and professional life. When you commit yourself to the legislature as strongly as I do, it leaves little room for anything else. It means less time, energy, and commitment to other areas and people in your life.

I want to change that. I want my life outside of politics to be as fulfilling as my experience in public service the last five years.

I am so proud of the accomplishments over the last five years. When I first ran in 2016, I promised my constituents that I would seek to govern in a bipartisan way and do all I could to restore education funding.

That’s exactly what I have done. From the university bonding funding approved in 2017, to helping pass landmark sexual assault survivor legislation in 2019, to landmark mental health legislation in 2019 and 2020, I helped forge bipartisan coalitions and had a seat at the table for many of the most important decisions our state has made in recent years.

Serving the community that I grew up in over the last five years has been the greatest honor and privilege of my life. None of this would have been possible without the help and support of hundreds of volunteers, supporters, and friends. I am forever grateful.

What’s next? I honestly have no idea. I hope someone will want to hire me. For now, I am looking forward to the 2022 legislative session, and as always, I will continue to pour 110% of my energy into serving my constituents and doing all I can to make Arizona a better state for all until my term ends in January 2023.

I’m not going anywhere, but I will be contributing and serving in a different capacity.

Thank you for all your help and support on this journey.


