The Top 30 Emerging Technologies (2018–2028)


As part of Wikibrands’ Digital Periscope study and surveys (see currently open 2018 studies Current Practices and Future Trends) , we have ranked the 30 emerging technologies that will impact culture, the marketplace and society the most over the next decade.

In building our list, we considered 5 different criteria:

  • current & projected size (in terms of direct and indirect $$$ revenue)
  • future segment growth rate and scale of adoption
  • claimed perception of impact on the future (through Wikibrand surveys)
  • current chatter value and buzz (via Google and social media)
  • knock-on effects and interactions with other technologies and industries

With no further adieu, here is our list.

The Top 30 Technologies (ranked in order):

#1 Artificial Intelligence #AI /Machine Learning / Deep Learning

#2 Internet of Things #IOT / #IIOT & Sensors & Wearables

#3 Mobile & Social Internet — Advancements, Social Networks/Media, Search, Messenging and Livestreams

#4 Blockchain — Cryptocurrencies, Distributed Ledger Systems, DAOs, DApps

#5 Big Data — Apps, Infrastructure & Predictive Analytics

#6 Automation — Information, Task, Process, Machine, Decision & Action

#7 Robots incl. Drones & Autonomous Vehicles — Consumer/Commercial/Industrial Robots and Robotics

#8 Immersive Media — #VR/ #AR/ #MR/ 360°

#9 Mobile Technologies & Advancements — infrastructure, networks, standards, services & devices

#10 Cloud Computing — Software-as-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Servcie (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) & MESH Apps

#11 3D Printing — Additive Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping

#12 CX — Customer Journey, Experience, Personalization & Commerce Tools

#13 EnergyTech — Efficiency, Storage & Decentralized Grid

#14 Cybersecurity incl. Adaptive Security — Security, Intelligence Detection, Remediation & Adaptation

#15 Voice Assistants -Interfaces, Chatbots & Natural Language Processing

#16 Nanotechnology - Computing, Medicine, Machines + Smart Dust

#17 CollaborativeTech — Crowd, Sharing, Workplace & Open Source Platforms & Tools

#18 Health Tech — Advanced Genomics, Bionics & Health Care Tech.

#19 Human-Computer Interaction — Facial/Gesture Recognition, Biometrics, Gaze Tracking

#20 Geo-spatial Tech — GIS, GPS, Mapping & Remote Sensing, Scanning, Navigation

#21 Advanced Materials — Composites, Alloys, Polymers, Biomimicry, Nanomanufacturing

#22 New Touch Interfaces — Touch Screens, Haptics, 3D Touch, Paper, Feedback & Exoskeletons

#23 Wireless Power

#24 Clean Tech. — Bio-/Enviro-Materials + Solutions, Sustainability, Treatment & Efficiency

#25 Quantum Computing — + Exascale Computing

#26 Smart Cities — Infrastructure & Transport

#27 Edge/Fog Computing

#28 Faster, Better Internet — Broadband incl. Fiber, 5G, Li-Fi , LPN and LoRa

#29 Proximity Tech. — Beacons, .RFID, Wi-Fi, Near-Field Communications & Geofencing

#30 New Screens — next evolution TVs, Digital Signage, OOH, MicroLEDS & Projections

Your thoughts — change the rank? change the descriptor? overrated something? missed something that should be on the list?

We’ll also admit that as much as we like to keep each of these technologies distinct and separate, many of them are interacting and blending with each other (and that’s okay).

We plan on evolving the 30 list and using it as a benchmark and basis for all future analysis and thought leadership to bridge the gap between holders of technology and those to put it to work. We have already started pulling together a full and complete lists of use cases, growth trajectories, impacts and in-market examples of breakthroughs for each.

In the interim, we have put four projects into the digital hopper for 2018 based on our technology detective work:

#1 The 2018 Digital and Technology Periscope — our 2nd edition of our global study rooting our analysis and opinion with the thoughts and perspectives of 400+ global experts —add yours here if you feel inclined, we expect survey out of field by June’2018

#2 The 30 — An Exploration of the Top Emerging Technologies that Will Impact Our Next Decade

  • Briefings, Keynotes, Audits, Triaing, Business Team Immersion, Consulting

#3 The Best Practices of Digital Transformation — The Playbook to Make Organziations Digital

Part of our three year old odyssey to put digital transformation deeper, wider and faster inside organizations through our help and interventions.

#4 Technology for Business Decision Makers Series

Our set of six briefings designed to make sure that technologists know how to solve real-world problems and implement technologies and for business leaders to know the intricacies of each individual technology and lead their organziations with strong digital literacy and fluency. Recruit us in for one interaction or the whole 6-pack collection and get insightful experience and informed perspective, not just siloed, wishful opinion.

  • Big Data for Business Decision makers
  • AI for Business Decision Makers
  • Immersive Media for Business Decision Makers
  • Internet of Things for Business Decision Makers
  • Blockchain for Business Decision Makers
  • Mobile & Social for Business Decision Makers

#technologies #transformation #digital #digitalperiscope #next5years #future #futureproofing



Sean Moffitt - Connector of Dots

Managing Director/Author - Futureproofing, Wikibrands, Founder, Grey Swan Guild, MD-Cygnus Ventures - Innovator, Futures Guide, Thinker, Builder @seanmoffitt