When you just don’t feel like it

Sean P. Dent
2 min readNov 14, 2018

Today I didn’t feel like it. I didn’t want to brave the cold weather to go train.

I knew how cold that air would be. I know it would take me the entire training session to warm up.

But I also knew that in my part of the world this was not only going to be the norm for the next several months but that it’s going to get even colder.

I had to keep moving forward.

Remember that “habit” I was referring to before? Yep.

So I put on my gear on.

Suck it up buttercup.

6 months from now you can either benefit from the small steps forward you make every day and be in a different place. Or you can stand still with no changes in your world.

So get it done.

Original post: When you just don’t feel like it first appeared on Medium by Sean P. Dent

Sean is a fitness fan, Level 1 CrossFit Trainer, Level 1 USAW SPC Olympic Weightlifting coach and wanna-be athlete. Just when he thought he was fit, he wasn’t. A long-time fitness freak turned couch potato trying to find his fitness again after breaking his knee. Finding his fit through better choices and working his ass off. seanpdent.com



Sean P. Dent

ICU Nurse Practitioner | Fitness at 50 | Real AF human