Is Initiative Q a Scam? Money is a Scam

S E Ansley
12 min readOct 31, 2018

No doubt, over the past few days or weeks, you’ve been invited to register for “free, future money”, in a new initiative by “ex-PayPal guys”, called Initiative Q.

In this, early adopters are rewarded with some sort of fictitious, non-cryptocurrency tokens, purporting to be eventually worth in the range of $100,000, if/when Initiative Q fulfills its lofty objectives.

Their pyramid scheme-style marketing encourages referrals, boosting the supposed number of tokens one receives based on invites to the Q network.

Initiative Q’s mission? To change the world? To bring prosperity to all?

No. Simply to create an alternative, “lower-fee” money system, transferring the power of money out of the hands of one centralized establishment, and into the hands of another, unknown entity.

Marketed through desperation-inducing taglines like, “Your chance to invest in the new Bitcoin”, using time-limited scarcity to entice rapid registrations, while denigrating and disregarding the philosophical concepts behind blockchain — the cryptographic technology upon which Bitcoin, and most other cryptocurrencies, are built.

The only surprise in Initiative Q is how incredibly gullible society has become, to sign up en masse, to a system with no vision, no plan, no legitimate…



S E Ansley

Multifaceted creator, author, and adventurer, endlessly brainstorming and developing future, peaceful, alternative societies. Check out my latest book, Plan Sea