The 7 Common Challenges in Real Estate Development & How to Overcome Them

Sean Tarpenning
3 min readDec 28, 2022


Sean Tarpenning: Real Estate Advisor

Real estate development is a challenging but rewarding business. It can be a highly profitable venture, but it also comes with plenty of risks and potential pitfalls. There are several common challenges that all developers face, ranging from financing to legal issues to zoning and permitting. In this article, we will explore the seven common challenges in real estate development according to successful real estate entrepreneur Sean Tarpenning and provide advice on overcoming them.

1. Financing

Finding the right financing for your project is one of the most significant difficulties in real estate development. That often involves navigating complex financial regulations and working with banks or other lenders to secure a loan. Developers should work closely with their accountants and lawyer to ensure they have a good understanding of their financial situation before applying for any loans or other forms of financing.

2. Zoning & Permitting

Zoning and permitting can be incredibly complicated in real estate development, as it involves dealing with local governments and their stringent regulations. Developers must understand a particular area’s planning and zoning ordinances before they begin any construction or development project. Working with a qualified lawyer ensures the most successful outcome when submitting applications for zoning changes or permits.

3. Legal Issues

Real estate developers must have a strong understanding of contract law and legal documents involved in buying and selling properties. They should also be aware of potential conflicts between parties involved, such as tenant/landlord disputes, boundary line issues, and breach of contract. Working with a reliable lawyer is essential to dealing effectively with legal problems in the development process.

4. Sourcing Deals

Finding good deals is one of the most critical and challenging tasks for any real estate developer. From scouting out potential locations to negotiating with sellers or landlords, developers must have a strong network of contacts and a good understanding of the local market. Developers should also stay up-to-date on trends and changes in their local area that may affect their projects.

5. Construction & Development Costs

Developers must be mindful of all costs associated with construction and development projects, including materials, labor, permits, and insurance. In addition, they must ensure that these costs remain affordable while still meeting the quality standards of their project. Working with an experienced contractor is essential to properly manage construction costs and ensure the successful completion of the development.

6. Risk Management

Real estate developers must be able to assess risks associated with projects and make informed decisions about how to approach them. That involves analyzing potential outcomes, understanding local laws and regulations, looking into the financial situation of any involved parties, and more. Before starting any project, a good risk management strategy can help protect developers from costly mistakes later on down the line.

7. Marketing & Leasing

Developers should have a comprehensive marketing plan for selling or leasing their properties. That includes having a website, creating promotional materials, and advertising in the right places. It’s also important to consider your target audience and develop strategies that appeal to them. Working with an experienced real estate agent or marketing professional can help ensure success in this area.


Real estate development is incredibly complex and involves numerous technical, legal, financial, and social considerations. Developers must comprehensively understand all the relevant issues to ensure their projects’ success. From navigating local regulations to assessing risks and managing costs, developers must stay informed and up-to-date on all aspects of real estate development. Working with experienced professionals like Sean Tarpenning is the key to achieving the best possible outcome for any project.



Sean Tarpenning

Sean Tarpenning and his companies also treat their investors with the utmost respect to maintain the portfolio of their properties