5 Risks PIs May Experience When Doing Investigations Without Enough Data

Noah Wieder | US Data API Blogs
4 min readApr 26, 2023
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As a private investigator (PI), you gather information and evidence to support your clients’ needs. You’re often tasked with investigating sensitive and complex situations, which requires high accuracy and detail. However, you could face serious risks if you don’t have enough data before conducting an investigation.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the top five risks PIs may experience when doing investigations without enough data and provide some tips on how to avoid them.

Risks PIs May Encounter By Conducting Investigations Without Proper Data

Inaccurate or Incomplete Conclusions

Firstly, inadequate data can lead to inaccurate or incomplete conclusions. Without sufficient data, you may make assumptions that could lead to incorrect outcomes, ultimately harming your credibility and reputation.

You may miss important information that could change the course of the investigation or lead to a different conclusion altogether. As a result, your clients may lose faith in your abilities, leading to a loss of business and a damaged reputation.

Conduct thorough research and data gathering before starting an investigation to avoid this risk. Use reliable sources and verify all information before drawing any conclusions. Double-check your work and seek out additional information if needed.

Legal Issues

Secondly, conducting an investigation without proper authorization or with incomplete information could result in legal problems. If you violate any laws, you may face fines, civil problems, or even criminal charges.

For example, if you conduct surveillance without proper authorization, you may be violating privacy laws. You could also face charges for harassment or stalking if you cross the line and become too aggressive in your investigation.

To avoid legal issues, ensure you have all the necessary permissions and authorizations before starting any investigation. Follow all laws and regulations related to investigations, and respect others’ privacy and rights.

Violation of Privacy

Thirdly, violating someone’s privacy is a serious offense; without enough data, you may do just that. This could result in a lawsuit and damage to your reputation.

As a PI, always respect the privacy rights of individuals, and obtain information legally and ethically. To avoid privacy violations, make sure you understand all applicable laws and regulations related to privacy. Obtain information legally and ethically, and use discretion in your investigation.

Danger to Personal Safety

Fourthly, putting yourself in harm’s way is possible if you investigate without proper preparation or information. You may not be aware of potential threats or dangers associated with the subject of the investigation, which could put you at risk.

Investigations can sometimes become dangerous or even life-threatening, especially when dealing with criminal organizations or individuals.

To avoid personal safety risks:

  1. Make sure to prepare before starting any investigation.
  2. Conduct a thorough risk assessment and obtain as much information as possible before engaging in any activities on the ground.
  3. Seek out additional resources or assistance if needed.

Wasted Time and Resources

Lastly, investigating without enough data could result in wasted time and resources. You may spend time and money following leads that turn out to be dead ends or have to start the investigation anew with additional information. This can be frustrating and costly and may also harm your reputation.

To avoid wasting time and resources, ensure you have all the necessary information before starting an investigation. Use reliable sources and verify all information before proceeding.

Consider using technology and other tools to help streamline your investigation and maximize your time and resources.

Searchbug’s Search and Investigative Tools

You can avoid potential risks by using Searchbug’s search tools. These tools can gather accurate and comprehensive data, saving you time and resources.

You can access public records, phone numbers, and email addresses. Searchbug also enables you to verify the information and ensures that you have the most up-to-date and accurate information before starting any investigation.

Using Searchbug’s search tools can also help you avoid legal and privacy issues by ensuring you obtain information legally and ethically. The platform is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations related to privacy and data protection, so you can rest assured that you are following best practices.

Here are some searches you can perform on the platform:

  1. People Search
  2. Skip Trace
  3. Advanced Background Check
  4. Criminal Records Search
  5. Marriage and Divorce Search
  6. Property Search
  7. Reverse Phone Number Lookup
  8. Reverse SSN Lookup
  9. Reverse Address Lookup
  10. Bank Account Search
  11. Driver License Search
  12. Vehicle Owner Search
  13. Verified Place of Employment Search
  14. Eviction Search

Aside from Searchbug’s search tools, some other resources and techniques can help you gather the necessary data before starting an investigation. These include conducting interviews with witnesses, using social media and online research, and obtaining public records.

It’s essential to be thorough and diligent in gathering all the necessary information before starting any investigation.


To wrap up, private investigators need more data to conduct investigations. Having inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to wasted time and resources, legal and privacy issues, and reputational damage.

Investigators must gather accurate and comprehensive data before starting any investigation, which can be done through various resources and techniques.

One of the best resources available to private investigators is Searchbug’s search tools, which offer quick and efficient access to a wide range of public and private data sources.

Searchbug is an internet-based data firm that provides more than 40 search tools for private investigators, businesses, and individuals to use for professional and personal purposes.

The company utilizes vast public and private databases to source data, which assists private investigators in locating the information they require quickly and efficiently.

Whether verifying information or finding contact details, Searchbug’s search tools can help you minimize risks and streamline your investigations.

If you want to conduct investigations safely and effectively, connecting with Searchbug can be an excellent way to gain access to the data you need.



Noah Wieder | US Data API Blogs

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