How To Effectively Communicate With Your Clients as an Insurance Company

Noah Wieder | US Data API Blogs
5 min readOct 5, 2022


How To Effectively Communicate With Your Clients as an Insurance Company
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Insurance companies have two main challenges: acquiring new customers and providing good customer service to retain them. The most effective way to handle both challenges is through communication with your customers.

To acquire new customers, insurance companies carry out cold calling to expand and convert more leads. Sometimes, these leads are bought or generated manually. But the real problem is that some of these leads are unreachable as their contact info such as phone number is invalid.

Communication barrier also arises when customers cannot be reached to deliver urgent policy updates or payment reminders. These two are crucial and need urgent attention from their end.

In both cases, being unreachable is the top problem. But you know that this is easy to solve without getting the customer involved in the verification process?

Some data tools can help you verify and update the contact information of leads and existing customers if they are incorrect or have gone stale over time.

Inefficient Data

Bad data can be a major problem for businesses, resulting in less efficient operations. To acquire new customers, it takes an average of seven to thirteen contacts before a prospect becomes a qualified lead. But that doesn’t end there. It is said that it will then take another 18 times of calls to establish a great connection.

And if you have bad data, you can even go on the first step of letting them hear you.

Why Validate Data

This step is so crucial to how things will go in your favor as an insurance company looking to acquire more clients. If you are paying to get leads, I suggest taking time to validate your leads first before taking any cold reach out.

Why? Because there is no guarantee that the leads you bought are real or accurate. There are good and bad in it, and it is your job to weed them out before it gets loaded into your systems.

The good thing about it is that if there are bad leads, you can always save them by correcting the contact info instead of just dropping them and calling them a quit.

Tools That Will Help You Build Great Connection With Insurance Customers and Prospects

Though challenges are present, be still knowing that there are solutions. The only way to correct these inefficiencies is by making your data more dependable.

When your customer contact information is reliable, leads have accurate, valid phone numbers, and you immediately eliminate the biggest headaches of running a business.

So to do that, you need help from experts in quality data to provide you with valid, working, and reachable contact details of prospects, leads, and existing customers.

Bulk Data Append by Searchbug

The Searchbug Batch service automatically collects information on new prospects, and it updates all existing lists of contacts.

If you have lists of names or addresses and want to add the most up-to-date email addresses and phone numbers to each name, the Searchbug batch tool will do it for you.

You can simply remove outdated contact information and upload your list of contact names to update all of your contacts’ information at once.

By doing this, you are saving your team a lot of time by removing dead ends from your lead databases, which ensures that customers always get policy updates, payment reminders, and claim information — even if they move or change their phone number without telling you.

Imagine how grateful a customer would be if your business automatically updated their address whenever they changed it. It just means that you are paying attention.

Wouldn’t it be great if salespeople could reach every lead on their call lists instead of missing opportunities, just because they were unable to get in touch with certain people?

Phone Validator by Searchbug

You’ll want to know as much as you can about the phone numbers you are calling or texting because it will make your cold calling and customer communication more effective.

Finding out whether a phone number belongs to a cell phone or a landline is an important step in any cold outreach. Since many people today no longer have landlines, a number listed as a home or work number may belong to either one.

It is up to you to decide whether you want to separate your cell phone numbers from the landlines on your list.

Texting a landline is a waste of money. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act regulations mean that you should never contact a phone number without determining if it is a cell phone first. And calling phone numbers on the Do Not Call (DNC) list is definitely out of the question.

The Searchbug verify phone numbers service tells you everything you need to know about a phone number, including whether it is active, invalid, or registered under DNC.

Searchbug APIs

Bulk data processing can often be an efficient way to get things done, but sometimes it’s better to do fewer steps and get the same results.

Data integration automates the validation and collection of data, removing the need for manual work. To save you time and effort, Searchbug APIs enable the direct connection of your in-house software to our system for automated data processing.

It will make your life easier. But it is also a smart way to guard against data errors. Most data errors come from people entering the data incorrectly. Computers are less likely to make these mistakes, so it’s better to let machines do the work.


Adding data validation and collection tools, and implementing bulk data processing makes insurance and claims data more dependable. Reliable data makes sales teams more effective and efficient, which in turn makes your business more efficient at providing a customer experience that retains more customers.

So if you are not yet using any of these, it’s time to level up the game and build that good communication with your customers. Contact us today on our website to get started!



Noah Wieder | US Data API Blogs

Exploring US data APIs. Everything from identity verification, to lead gen, to compliance. Follow for insights to help businesses leverage data effectively.