Inactive and Disconnected Contact Numbers in Database: How To Fix Them?

Noah Wieder | US Data API Blogs
5 min readSep 26, 2023
Inactive and Disconnected Contact Numbers in Database: How To Fix Them?
Inactive and Disconnected Contact Numbers in Database: How To Fix Them?
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Hey there, savvy business professionals! Have you ever wondered why your meticulously planned marketing campaigns aren’t hitting the mark? Or why your customer service calls seem to be going unanswered?

The answer could be hiding in your customer database. Specifically, inactive and disconnected phone numbers might be the culprits sabotaging your efforts.

In this blog, we’ll explore why it’s crucial to identify and fix these numbers using phone validator tools. So, let’s dive in and get to the bottom of this issue!

Why It’s Important to Find Out Inactive and Disconnected Contact Numbers

Imagine spending countless hours crafting the perfect marketing campaign, only to realize that many of your calls or SMS messages are going unanswered.

Frustrating, isn’t it? But the frustration doesn’t end there. Inaccurate contact data in your customer database can severely affect various aspects of your business, from customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing campaigns to billing processes and even legal compliance.

Essentially, you’re throwing both money and opportunities down the drain. But don’t worry. Recognizing the importance of accurate contact data is the first step to solving this problem, and I am here to guide you through it.

How to Know If Contact Numbers Are Inactive and Disconnected

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of sifting through thousands of contact numbers in your customer database? You’re not alone. Many businesses face this challenge, and it’s understandable.

Manual verification is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to wasted efforts and missed opportunities.

But don’t worry! There are reliable and efficient phone validator methods to validate these numbers, ensuring you reach out to active and responsive contacts.

Let’s delve into two powerful tools Searchbug offers to tackle this issue: Bulk Phone Validator and Phone Validator API.

Bulk Phone Validator

The Bulk Phone Validator is your go-to solution if you’re dealing with a large customer database. This tool is designed to quickly and accurately identify the line status of multiple phone numbers at once. Aside from that, it’s an invaluable asset for businesses that must maintain the integrity of their customer contact information.

It’s perfect for cleaning up large databases where manual verification would be impractical or too costly in terms of time and manpower.

With Searchbug’s Bulk Phone Validator, you can:

  • Validate phone numbers in bulk, saving time and resources. This is especially useful for businesses that have accumulated a large list of contacts over time.
  • Receive a comprehensive report categorizing numbers as active, inactive, or disconnected. This report can serve as a roadmap for your next steps in database management.
  • Use this data to decide which numbers to keep and which to remove or update from your database. This way, you can focus on contacts that are most likely to engage with your business.

Phone Validator API

Searchbug’s Phone Validator API is an excellent choice for businesses looking for a more integrated solution. This tool can seamlessly integrate into your existing systems, allowing for real-time validation of phone numbers as they are entered into your database.

Here’s what you can expect when using this advanced tool:

  • Real-time validation ensures that you capture accurate contact data at the point of entry, reducing the chances of accumulating incorrect or outdated information.
  • API integration is flexible and can be customized to fit your specific business needs, whether running an online store, a service-based business, or a large enterprise.
  • The Phone Validator API is ideal for e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, and other applications where immediate validation is crucial for maintaining a high-quality customer database.

What to Do After Finding Out Inactive and Disconnected Contact Numbers

So you’ve identified the inactive and disconnected numbers in your customer database — great! That’s a significant first step in optimizing your outreach efforts.

But what’s the next step? Simply leaving these numbers in your database will continue to hamper your outreach efforts, leading to inefficiencies and wasted resources.

This is where Searchbug’s suite of tools comes into play, offering solutions for contact data enrichment, also known as “Data Appending.” These tools are designed to not only clean your database but also to enrich it with valuable information.

What is Data Appending?

Data appending is an enrichment process that goes beyond merely cleaning your database. It enhances your existing database by adding missing or supplementary information, transforming it into a more valuable asset for your business.

With Searchbug’s Bulk Data Append, you can:

  • Add missing details like alternate contact numbers or email addresses, expanding how to reach your customers or prospects.
  • Update outdated information to ensure your database remains current, which is crucial for compliance and effective communication.
  • Improve the overall quality of your database, making it a reliable resource for your marketing and customer service efforts, thereby increasing your ROI.

Data Append API

But for those looking for a seamless and automated process, an API offers you the following capabilities:

1. Remove and Replace: Automatically identify and replace outdated or incorrect data with current and accurate information. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to maintain high levels of data accuracy for compliance reasons.

2. Wide-scale Operations: Handle large datasets efficiently, making it ideal for businesses with extensive customer databases. This is especially beneficial for enterprises or rapidly growing companies that regularly acquire large amounts of data.

3. Customizable Fields: Choose which fields you want to append, offering flexibility in enriching your database. This allows you to tailor the data appending process to meet the specific needs of your business.

With these tools, you’re not just fixing your database but enriching it, making your outreach efforts more effective than ever.

Those contacts of prospects, leads, and existing customers won’t be wasted if they happen to be inactive, as there is a chance to find their updated contact information with the help of the data append tool.

This ensures that every contact in your database is a potential opportunity, not a dead end.


We’ve come a long way in this blog, haven’t we? By now, you have a better understanding of why it is so important to identify inactive and disconnected numbers in your customer database and why the robust solutions offered by Searchbug’s Bulk Phone Validator and Phone Validator API are a great choice for your business.

The bottom line is clear: A well-maintained and enriched customer database is not just a repository of names and numbers. It’s a goldmine of opportunities waiting to be tapped.

By using Searchbug’s suite of tools, you can ensure that every phone number in your database is not just a number but a gateway to a potential customer, a successful transaction, or a long-term business relationship.

So, don’t let inactive or disconnected numbers derail your marketing, customer service, or other outreach efforts. Always take control of your customer database and turn those dead ends into open roads again.

Ready to take the next step? Head to Searchbug to explore tools designed to help you clean, validate, and enrich your customer database. Because in the world of commerce, bad data equates to bad business.



Noah Wieder | US Data API Blogs

Exploring US data APIs. Everything from identity verification, to lead gen, to compliance. Follow for insights to help businesses leverage data effectively.