Five AI Tools You Must Try

Introduction and how to guide

11 min readMar 2, 2024

What is AI?

By stepping into a realm of wonder where machines think and dream, you may have found yourself in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It's not just science fiction anymore — the canvas where technology meets imagination.

AI is the artist, painting a future where machines learn from whispers of data, reason through mazes of logic, and decide with the wisdom of a digital cortex. This is the heartbeat of modern technical innovation, pulsing through the veins of our society, with a symphony of algorithms and neural networks composing the opus of tomorrow. Its applications span various sectors, revolutionizing how everyday tasks are executed. For example, In healthcare, AI assists in diagnosing diseases and personalizing treatment plans. AI is crucial for detecting fraud and optimizing trade processes in the financial sector. Scientific research accelerates advancements in vital areas like climate research and pharmaceuticals.

True Value

AI's value emerges from its unparalleled capacity to analyze extensive datasets, simplify intricate processes, and unveil insights that surpass human intellect, thereby establishing itself as a fundamental pillar of contemporary technical progress. This document delves into the foremost five AI instruments, outlines practical strategies for their deployment, and provides an in-depth examination of AI's essence and operational mechanics.

Replication of human thought processes

These entities are not merely coded for specific functions; they are engineered to emulate human reasoning, learning, adaptation, and decision-making capabilities. In light of this, AI is one of our era's most profound tech ventures. It is transforming human interaction with technology and the environment and is, in many respects, redefining our conception of intellect itself.

The distinction between old traditional programming and these Artificial Intelligence (AI) machine systems is a fundamental aspect of understanding the modern technological landscape. Traditional programming relies on explicit instructions given by programmers, machines that execute tasks based on a predetermined set of rules and operations. In this paradigm, these machines' capabilities are strictly limited to what they are explicitly programmed to do; they cannot adapt to new information or situations beyond their initial programming.

In contrast, AI machine systems represent a paradigm shift to a new level of computation. These systems are not just coded to perform fixed tasks; they are designed to learn and adapt from data. This learning capability is what sets AI apart from conventional software. AAI mechanisms scrutinize incoming data, discern patterns, deduce meanings, and formulate decisions predicated on their analyses. This fluid and perpetual mechanism allows these systems to progressively mature and enhance their capabilities.

Source: Thompson Reuters

Machine learning (ML)

An essential component of AI is the crux of this evolutionary process. ML algorithms are architected to digest copious amounts of data and derive knowledge from it. Diverging from conventional software, ML algorithms evolve and refine their efficacy with increased data exposure. This intrinsic propensity for continuous refinement and adaptability underscores AI's formidable potency and flexibility. Take, for instance, a machine learning model designated for image recognition — it commences with rudimentary image identification skills. As it assimilates more images and integrates feedback regarding its precision, the algorithm 'educates' itself and hones its proficiency in recognizing and classifying images with heightened accuracy. This procedure entails identifying complex data patterns that typically elude human detection.

AI systems can extract meaning from data, transcending simple pattern identification. They comprehend context, extrapolate inferences, and predict outcomes. For illustration, AI in the medical sector can scrutinize patient records and historical health data to foresee potential health hazards and suggest tailored therapeutic strategies. As AI systems assimilate more data and navigate diverse situations, they become increasingly precise and efficient. Such perpetual refinement empowers AI to undertake intricate functions like predictive analytics, natural language processing, autonomous navigation, and beyond. All of the AI tools discussed in this paper employ these strategies for computation.

From Rule-Based to Learning

The evolution from rule-based programming to AI's adaptive learning represents a leap in technological capabilities, enabling machines to execute tasks and enhance and optimize their performance autonomously. This shift is central to the transformative impact AI is having across various mentioned industries, It opens up a world where machines are not just tools, but partners in solving complex problems and generating insights, thereby expanding the horizons of human capabilities.

AI of the Past

The saga of contemporary AI's development commenced earnestly in the mid-20th century with the advent of the first computers, heralding the dawn of AI. Alan Turing, a trailblazing British computer scientist, significantly influenced this field with his 1950 paper, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," proposing the Turing Test to assess a machine's ability to mimic human intelligence. A significant transformation unfolded in the late 1990s and 2000s, driven by increased computational power, the rise of the internet, and novel algorithms, which collectively advanced machine learning and neural networks. This era saw AI's application in practical settings, from industrial robots to digital assistants.

The present era, starting in the 2010s, is characterized by the emergence of deep learning, the explosion of big data, and substantial improvements in AI capabilities. AI has become an integral part of daily life, with advancements in natural language processing, like OpenAI's GPT series, bringing AI into the public spotlight and utility, representing just one of the top five AI innovations we will discuss.

AI Tools Anatomy

Let's break down how modern AI tools work. AI's capabilities are grounded in several vital functions.

“Typically, AI systems absorb extensive volumes of labeled training data, scrutinizing this data to detect correlations and patterns, and utilizing these identified patterns to forecast future occurrences.” — (Lawton, 2023)

Machine Learning

The initial phase in this journey is machine learning (ML), which entails gathering a dataset and formulating guidelines for its application. ML, a critical subset of AI, empowers systems to derive insights from this dataset, discern patterns, and render decisions with scant need for human guidance.

The Reasoning Process

This is where AI systems solve problems through logical induction, which involves broad generalizations from specific observations in patterns across the data set. This is essential in all AI applications, especially self-driving cars, where the AI must make split-second decisions based on real-time data points. In this, AI interprets sensory inputs as well such as recognizing objects, sounds, or images, this feature is widely used in computer vision and speech recognition technologies.

Problem-solving is another critical aspect of AI conducive to induction and reasoning. Here, the technology employs learned information and rules to tackle complex issues. This function is evident in AI applications in chess programs or complex computational problems that require strategic planning and execution. Language understanding is also critical in the tools we will discuss in this paper, Natural Language Processing (NLP), which enables machines to comprehend human language and foster meaningful interactions between humans and computers. This technology powers chatbots, virtual assistants, and translation services.

AI's comprehensive function and operation employ many intellectual and academic disciplines to create and mimic human intelligence. This serves paramount in boosting human productivity and technological progress across many different industries and tasks. Let's discuss the top 5 AI tools used today and how to utilize them.

The Top 5 AI Tools

Within the vibrant sphere of artificial intelligence (AI), five avant-garde technologies are at the forefront: ChatGPT-4, TensorFlow, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, and Microsoft Copilot. ChatGPT-4, from OpenAI, is distinguished for its advanced language processing prowess, offering invaluable contributions to sectors like customer relations and artistic composition. TensorFlow, a creation of Google's Brain team, is a crucial open-source framework for crafting and perfecting machine learning models, focusing on deep learning and neural networks. MidJourney is a brave venture quietly redefining the boundaries of machine learning and AI innovation. Stable Diffusion, the maestro of pixels, weaving tapestries of visual splendor from mere strings of text, is a testament to AI's prowess in image generation.

Microsoft Copilot, the maestro of the digital realm, masterfully conducts an ensemble of tools that elevate our work and push innovation across the technological landscape. Microsoft Copilot emerges as a digital ally, crafted to amplify human potential and streamline complex tasks. It's an AI companion that enhances efficiency, allowing us to accomplish more extraordinary feats swiftly. Copilot lends its expertise to responding to inquiries, crafting narratives, visualizing concepts, and even programming in languages like JavaScript, C, and Python. Each technology signifies a leap forward in its domain and, as a collective, stands at the forefront of progress, each inscribing its legacy within the epic narrative of AI development.


ChatGPT is a conversational robot. It's good at making its messages sound like real people, using what it knows from talking to you before. It's engineered to replicate the ebb and flow of human conversation, offering nuanced responses that resonate with the intricacies of human interaction. It operates on GPT-4, a substantial language model crafted by OpenAI. ChatGPT's capabilities extend to visual and auditory interactions, allowing it to engage with images and voice inputs and generate images from textual prompts.

To access ChatGPT, one must register for an OpenAI account at no cost and navigate or acquire the mobile application. Then, you can start a new chat by typing a question or a prompt and pressing enter. The free trial version has limited prompt uses or "Tokens." These tokens can be expounded to a higher cap limit (+40 messages / 3 hours) with a greater membership plan called "Plus" for $20 a month. This improved plan also incorporates ChatGPT 4, a more sophisticated and robust model that offers faster response times, priority access during peak periods, and access to its image generation property, DALL-E.

Give ChatGPT clear and detailed instructions for the best results. For example, if you want ChatGPT to help you with a task, provide some details and instructions. If you wish ChatGPT to chat with you, give some context and topic. Use feedback and guidance to steer the conversation. You can use emojis, ratings, or comments to let ChatGPT know how well it is doing.

You can also use keywords like "stop", "continue", "more", or "less" to adjust the length and direction of the chat. You can also choose from hundreds of GPTs customized for a single purpose, such as Creative Writing, Tech Support, Quizzing, specifically styled image generation, or even text-based adventures such as "Escape the Haunt," a text-based haunted hotel escape adventure. You can also chat with images, voice, and text to create your pictures, you can access these options on iOS, Android platforms, or web at


TensorFlow is like a DIY kit for AI models. You can use it to make all sorts of things, like programs that recognize what's in a picture or understand what someone's saying. And it's not just for big companies; even regular people and smaller teams can use it for their projects. However, GPT-4 is a separate thing made by OpenAI.

TensorFlow can work with it, but they're different. TensorFlow also supports distributed training, automatic differentiation, and MLOps for production ML. You can run TensorFlow on other platforms such as web, mobile, edge, and cloud. The process of using TensorFlow typically begins with installing the library and importing it into your Python environment. Once set up, you can prepare your dataset, construct and compile your model, and train it on your data.

Once your model is trained, check out how well it's doing and put it to work on fresh data. The neat thing about TensorFlow is that it lets you save your model to use later, and you can get it running on different things like websites, phones, or even up in the cloud. Google's mastery in engineering has significantly propelled AI forward, with TensorFlow standing as a testament to this progress. This robust tool is revolutionizing the field of machine learning, democratizing access for seasoned experts and enthusiastic beginners. For those eager to explore the intricacies of AI or to further their understanding, TensorFlow offers a wealth of possibilities. It invites anyone driven by innovation and intrigued by the technological horizon to discover the potential within TensorFlow's capabilities.


Midjourney stands as an autonomous research entity committed to pioneering novel cognitive modalities and augmenting the imaginative faculties of humanity. Renowned for their contributions to design, societal infrastructure, and artificial intelligence, one of their prominent undertakings is a generative AI program that translates natural language descriptions into visual representations. This application is a pivotal tool for creatives, such as artists and designers, enabling the manifestation of conceptual visions into AI-generated visual art.

Engagement with Midjourney's AI necessitates membership within their Discord community, providing access to the generative tool. Users can input detailed textual prompts, prompting the AI to render corresponding visual outputs, facilitating an exploratory interface for AI-assisted creative expression, and producing distinctive artistic or design concepts.

4. Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion stands at the cutting edge of deep learning, adept at converting textual prompts into strikingly realistic images. As a latent diffusion model, it meticulously crafts coherence from chaos, turning formless noise into detailed images that mirror the provided text. This open-source marvel has captured the attention of the creative world for its role in democratizing visual content creation.

It empowers artists, designers, and enthusiasts to effortlessly create unique visual pieces. Stable Diffusion is a transformative deep-learning model that turns text into lifelike images. It refines randomness into structured visuals matching the input, making content creation accessible to all. Users can prompt it to create anything from fantasy art to realistic portraits, limited only by imagination and the model's algorithms. Its user-friendliness and quality output make it a key player in creative industries, ushering in an era of AI-driven artistry.

5. Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot is an AI tool that helps you use Microsoft apps more creatively. It merges large language models with Microsoft's tools, aiding content generation, task automation, and data insight. Copilot can assist with drafting emails, creating documents, data analysis, and coding, all through a conversational interface, making it an indispensable everyday AI companion. It leverages advanced language models to help users craft content, streamline tasks, and extract data insights.

Whether drafting emails in Outlook, creating Word documents, analyzing Excel spreadsheets, or coding in various programming languages, Copilot operates through a conversational interface to make daily tasks more efficient. Designed as an everyday companion, it simplifies complex tasks and enhances user efficiency. A Microsoft account and access to compatible applications are necessary to engage with Copilot. Interaction is straightforward: type in your requests or questions, and Copilot will assist within the application's context, whether composing a letter in Word or offering data analysis in Excel.

Final Thoughts

Without a doubt, AI has been unleashed and is here to stay. Of course, AI will impact people, economies, and businesses. Though there are many debates on pros and cons, as there usually are with any new technology, only time will tell the exact impact on society.




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