Similan Islands, Thailand

4 min readFeb 27, 2018


My 2018 started from Similan island diving. It was 4N5D cruise, which provides with bunk bed rooms, warm shower water, tasty 3 meals + 1 snack, etc. Every day 4 dives and 2 dives on the last day.

This trip was also my first time to try underwater photography by Sony RX100M5 with housing.

Day 1: Koh Bon (2dives) and Koh Tachay (2dives)

At Koh Bon
Trumpet fish at Koh Tachay
Corals in Koh Tachay

We could not see any big fish in Tachay though usually they are seen more here. We were expecting herds of barracudas, which showed up in Day2.

Day2: Richelieu Rock (2)and Koh Tachay(1) + night dive at Similan

It seems sometimes hard to get Richelieu Rock, and it was not good weather as well, but we could manage to be there. In this cruise, we dived northern area (outer sea) first and came back to Similan islands (more inner) later.

Lion Fish on soft coral / pregnant starry blowfish

We’d moved back to Koh Tachay again. On the way to Tachay, we’ve seen a couple of dolphins jumping and dancing. Watch out!

A herd of barracudas, Koh Tachay

It was so voiceless moment that we were surrounded by a herds of barracudas.

Kitchen at the cruise / two rainbows on new year’s eve

Day 3: Similan islands

Between first and second dives, we were reaching one of Similan Islands, well, I “landed” after two day ocean life.

One of Similan islands

Diving in Similan Islands was much easier than the first two days. Calm and peaceful.

grunt and goby
Lion Fish / clown fish

Day4: Boonsung Wreck (2)

On the last day, we visited Boonsung Wreck, which is quite near mainland, and diving spot is also shallow. Just relaxed.

So many fish around the wreck
blowfish lovers
goby and smiling (giant) moray
A herd of mini barracudas flying in the sky?

Actually the weather and the visibility was not so good according to people who had ever dived there, but 14 dives, 4 nights cruise without stepping on the land was simply amazing experience, and enough time for me to forget about the real world.

