Building Your React Native Mobile App with Yarn

Rohit Raj
3 min readSep 6, 2023


Hey there, fellow tech-savvy peeps! 🌟 Ready to dive into the world of mobile app development like a pro? Look no further because I’m about to drop some knowledge bombs on how to create a killer React Native mobile app using Yarn. 📲💣

So, you’ve got this amazing app idea and you’re all pumped up to bring it to life. That’s awesome! React Native is here to make your dreams a reality, and Yarn is our trusty sidekick for managing all those dependencies. Let’s get started on this wild coding adventure! 💻🚀

Step 1: Setting Up the Stage

Before you rock the code, make sure your development environment is lit and ready. Here’s what you need, so install these first:

  • Node.js: If you don’t have it, grab it from the official website and install it. Node.js is the backbone of React Native.
  • Yarn: Install this package manager using Node.js. Trust us; it’s super dope.
  • Expo CLI: We recommend using Expo for kickstarting your project. Install it globally using Yarn with yarn global add expo-cli.

Step 2: Create Your Project

Time to give life to your idea! Open command line, make a folder, move to that folder & Run this command and follow the prompts:

expo init YourAppName --yarn

Pick minimal template, name your project, and let Expo do its thing. 🎉

Step 3: Navigate to Your Project

Change into your project directory in command line:

cd YourAppName

Step 4: Run the Magic Command

Let’s start our app with Expo’s development server:

yarn android

A new tab will open in your browser, and you’ll see a QR code, don’t close it. Grab your phone and scan it using the Expo Go app (available for both iOS and Android). 📱✨

Step 5: The React Native Dance

Now comes the fun part! Open up your favorite code editor (VS Code, Sublime, or whatever floats your boat) and start coding your app. You’ll find your main entry point in App.js. This is where the magic begins!

Remember, React Native is all about components. Create them, style them with CSS (or better yet, use styled-components for extra style points), and build your app’s UI.

Step 6: Install Dependencies with Yarn

As you code, you’ll likely need some packages and libraries to make your app shine. Here’s where Yarn flexes its muscle:

yarn add package-name

Step 7: Keeping it Real with Hot Reloading

One of the coolest things about React Native is hot reloading. Any changes you make in your code will instantly appear on your device. 🔄 No more waiting around!

Step 8: Testing and Debugging

The road to app stardom isn’t always smooth. But with tools like React Native Debugger and Reactotron, you can squash those bugs like a pro. 🐛🔨

Step 9: The Final Countdown

Once you’re done coding, and you’ve tested your app on your device, it’s time to prepare for the big launch. Run:

expo build:android

Or, if you’re aiming for iOS:

expo build:ios

This will create a build of your app that’s ready for publishing.

Step 10: Publish Your Masterpiece

You’ve made it! 🥳 To publish your app, follow the Expo documentation for Android and iOS. It’s as simple as following the steps and submitting your app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

And there you have it! You’ve just created a fantastic React Native mobile app using Yarn. 🎉📱 Now go out there and make the world a better place, one line of code at a time. Good luck, and keep coding like a boss! 💪🚀

If you found it useful, give like & share. if you want a blog on Debugging, comment below. Thanks 🙂



Rohit Raj

A Security & Development Enthusiast