6 Side Hustles for Computer Science Majors

Sebastian Machkovich
3 min readOct 25, 2023

The world of technology is vast, and with a Computer Science background, there are countless opportunities for side hustles. These additional income streams not only pad the wallet but also allow for real-world application of theoretical knowledge, enhancing skills and experience. Here are six side hustles that computer science majors can explore:

1. Freelance Programming and Web Development:
— How to Do It: Start by creating an online portfolio showcasing your past projects. Websites like GitHub can host your code, while platforms such as Wix or WordPress are ideal for presenting them in a professional manner. Once you’re set up, register on freelancing platforms like Upwork or Freelancer.
— Tip: Begin with smaller projects to build credibility. Client reviews can significantly impact future project prospects.

2. Tutoring:
— How to Do It: Offer your expertise in programming languages, data structures, or any CS topic you excel in. Start by advertising your services on college campuses or online forums. Websites like Chegg Tutors or WizIQ can connect you with students in need.
— Tip: Offering group sessions can increase your hourly rate while assisting multiple students at once.

3. Mobile App Development:
— How to Do It: Learn mobile-specific languages and frameworks, such as Swift for iOS or Kotlin for Android. Once you’ve got a viable idea for an app, start building. Utilize platforms like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for distribution.
— Tip: Consider starting with simple utility apps or games. Even if they’re not massive hits, the experience gained is invaluable.

4. Starting a YouTube Channel:
— How to Do It: Pick a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise. Whether it’s tech tutorials, coding challenges, or discussion about recent innovations, ensure your content is engaging. Create and upload videos consistently and engage with your audience in the comments.
— Tip: Collaborate with other content creators or cross-promote your channel on other social media platforms to gain traction.

5. Blogging on Tech Topics:
— How to Do It: Platforms like Medium, Blogger, or WordPress are perfect for starting a blog. Write about topics you’re passionate about — whether it’s deep dives into coding problems, reviews of the latest tech, or think pieces on where the industry is heading.
— Tip: Use SEO best practices to increase the visibility of your articles. Engaging titles and shareable content can help grow your readership.

6. Selling Digital Products:
— How to Do It: Create digital products like software tools, plugins, or even educational courses on platforms like Udemy or Coursera. Promote your products through social media or via your personal network.
— Tip: Focus on identifying gaps in the market or niches that haven’t been over-saturated.

In conclusion, a computer science background is not just a ticket to a well-paying job but also a gateway to various lucrative side hustles. Whether you’re looking to gain experience, share knowledge, or simply diversify income streams, there’s an abundance of opportunities in the tech domain. Always ensure you’re balancing your side hustle with primary commitments to prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being.



Sebastian Machkovich

Computer science student at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.