How to participate efficiently in a scrum meeting?

Sebastian Grossberger
2 min readOct 14, 2019

Firs of all, need to understand what is Scrum?

Scrum is a process framework used to manage product development and other knowledge work. Scrum is empirical in that it provides a means for teams to establish a hypothesis of how they think something works, try it out, reflect on the experience, and make the appropriate adjustments.

Scrum has this lifecycle

Visual Paradigm

The event needs more attention is the scrum meeting, if observed in the scrum life cycle it is an important part for the fulfillment of the objectives, in these meetings all stakeholders of the project have to be taken into account due to that you have to be clear about all the problems or situations that can be generated in the project.

To make effective participation in Scrum meeting it is necessary to be proactive, to be aware of the project and of all the situations related to the project, for this in all meetings you have to ask the three questions to the project team.

The three questions:

  • Is there any hurdle blocking your work?
  • What you will do today?
  • What you did yesterday?

Some characteristics have Daily Stand-up
-The meeting takes place in the morning for 15 minutes
-Participants include all the scrum team members, especially the scrum master and product owner
-The scrum meeting is usually not extended beyond 15 minutes with all the people standing up

To improve the participation in the meetings, you have to be aware of the solutions presented, be conscious of the problems that stop you and be willing to help the team solve the different problems that are encountered.

In my experience in Pernix the part of agile methodologies is applied in a way that tries to be efficient and is not being given the necessary time since it does not have the necessary time to apply the methodology to the letter, it is important to have It tells us that we all know about agile methodologies and how they work within projects.

