Published iniOS App DevelopmentLearn and Master ⚔️ the Basics of Structured Concurrent Programming in Swift in 15 MinutesWWDC 2021 has brought some exciting enhancements to Swift. One of the most interesting are the new mechanisms around async and await. If…Feb 4, 2022Feb 4, 2022
Published iniOS App DevelopmentLearn and Master ⚔️ Diffable Datasources in 5 MinutesWhoever has worked with UITable- or UICollection-Views in the past will have seen error messages like the following probably more often:Mar 12, 20201Mar 12, 20201
Published iniOS App DevelopmentLearn & Master ⚔️ the Basics of Combine in 5 MinutesBecause RxSwift and Combine have so much in common I thought it would be a great idea to adapt the things I know about RxSwift and use…Jul 9, 20197Jul 9, 20197
Published iniOS App DevelopmentLearn & Master ⚔️ iOS Remote Push Notifications in 10 MinutesRemote Push notifications enable developers to present information to their users outside the app and to redirect them to the app if…Sep 30, 20187Sep 30, 20187
Published iniOS App DevelopmentLearn & Master ⚔️ the Basics of IGListKit in 10 MinutesAnyone who has ever implemented dynamic lists in iOS will probably know that the official approach has some difficulties. Datastore and…Mar 6, 201811Mar 6, 201811
Published iniOS App DevelopmentLearn & Master ⚔️ the Basics of RxSwift in 10 MinutesEvery programmer should have heard of Rx. Whether it happened at the last developer conference or while reading a fresh blog article like…Mar 4, 201728Mar 4, 201728
Published iniOS App DevelopmentMy first Cocoapod is here 🎉 — Jelly 1.0Yay, my first Pod is available for everyone. Jelly 1.0, a Viewcontroller-Transition-Animation framework that is super easy to use. No need…Nov 21, 20166Nov 21, 20166
Published iniOS App DevelopmentSWIFTBITES Issue NO. 1 — Optional Pattern MatchingHey Followers, this is the first issue of Swift Bites. These series will focus on Swift features and problem-solving techniques using…Oct 16, 2016Oct 16, 2016
Published iniOS App DevelopmentSwift! Optionals?If you are new to swift and to the concept of Optionals it may seems a little bit strange to have a special type for representing something…Jun 24, 20166Jun 24, 20166
Published iniOS App DevelopmentiOS Code Signing & Provisioning in a NutshellI am developing Apps for more than 3 years now and 1 thing that still annoys me is Code Signing and Provisioning in iOS. What are Signing…Mar 30, 201629Mar 30, 201629