Sebastian Rocca
Sebastian Rocca

Sebastian is a social entrepreneur, social innovator, coach and LGBTQI activist. He is the founder of Micro Rainbow and the Micro Rainbow International Foundation. These organisations promote equality of LGBTQI people through housing, employment and small businesses in the UK and internationally.

Sebastian’s passion is to apply innovative models for social change that are sustainable, scalable and replicable. He is a pioneer in the use of social investment in the LGBTQI human rights sector. His coaching practice focuses on supporting social entrepreneurs, LGBTQI people in leadership and anyone who feels stuck and/or want to live more closely to their values.

In 2017 in the UK, Sebastian created the first national housing scheme for homeless LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees. In 2013 in Cambodia, he designed and implemented the first micro-finance programme for the benefit of LGBTQI people in poverty. In 2012 in Brazil, he created the first small business incubator for LGBTQI people in poverty. These award-winning schemes have successfully attracted social investment.

Prior to founding Micro Rainbow, which is one of the top 100 social enterprises in the UK, Sebastian served as Executive Director of Rainbow Migration and held the same post at International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA).

In 2021, Sebastian was awarded a honorary fellowship by Social Enterprise UK for his contribution to the social enterprise movement.

Sebastian holds a BA/MSc in Economics and a MSc in Poverty Reduction and Development Management. He enjoys running marathons and painting. You can follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Medium member since March 2024