“The Perfect Resume”

Sebastian Schug
3 min readMay 26, 2020

Earlier this week, I decided that it would be in my best interest to fine-tune my resume a bit. With the way the economy is no doubt going, I think it’s fair to say that a bunch of people are now living within the unspoken regularities of wanting to continue their lives as best as possible despite people dying at their feet all around them, while also attempting to progress themselves in the only ways they know how. In that regard, it’s best to search for a new job.

Now, how exactly should I tackle this? My resumes over the years have been a laundry list of accomplishments and achievement bolstering, so it’s probably in my best interest if I don’t paint myself as something that I’m not. I could say that I’m good at writing, illustration, narration, and video production — to a subjective degree — but separating myself from the pack by claiming superiority seems a bit vapid.

Let’s see…education. Well, considering I just graduated, I figure it’s best if I add that. And I suppose my GPA is necessary for showing them that I actually gave a shit a good majority of the time. And what the hell, my extracurriculars can fit on there too. After all, what’s the point in including yourself in everything if you can’t wear it like a tee shirt that you did?

Now, I’ve always heard that it’s privy to make your personal statement somewhat of an open-ended paragraph about…



Sebastian Schug

Sebastian Robert Schug (born February 25th, 1998) is an independent American author, illustrator, publisher, and novelist.