The Theory of Science

Sebastian Supreme
10 min readApr 19, 2022


The connection between science and magic

Chapter 1: Connection between science and magic

In fantasy/fiction, magic is a device to change reality. Such a device exists in our real world, too. We call it: Science. So, there is no magic in our reality, but we’ve got science instead. And our science corresponds to the magic of all those fantasy worlds you know.

To put it in a nutshell:

The science of our real world corresponds to the magic of fiction and fantasy.

Science (Real world) Magic (Fiction/Fantasy)

As stated before, magic in fantasy, as well as science in our reality are being used to reach one certain goal: The transmutation of reality according to our own will. For this purpose, magic is used in fantasy and fiction, and we use science for this exact purpose, too.

Chapter 2: Transmutation of reality in the real world

In order to transmute our reality, we have to activate the necessary formulas. And through the activation of formulas, we conjure up phenomena that lead to the transmutation of reality. And in order for us to activate any formulas, we don’t have to speak an incantation like in fantasy and fiction.

No, we have to satisfy the conditions, which are required by the formula we want to activate. And those conditions are specific constellations of physical quantities.

And the higher the quality of our formula is, the more does the conjured phenomena equal its natural role model or its desired form. But more on that later.

Transmutations with natural origin arise through the natural activation of natural formulas. The activation of multiple and/or complex formulas results in complex and/or extended phenomena.

A transmutation can be caused by either a natural conjuration of natural phenomena or an artificial conjuration of natural and/or artificial phenomena.

Natural activation of natural formulas → Natural conjuration of natural phenomena → Transmutation of reality

Artificial activation of formulas → Artificial conjuration of natural and/or artificial phenomena → Transmutation of reality

(„→“ „results in“)

Chapter 3: Science

For most of its existence, humanity was at the mercy of nature, defenseless, because unlike all other beings, the special gift of humans did not make their survival easier at first. The special gift of humans is intelligence. And only gradually did people learn to use this gift. The greatest achievement that humanity could reach through the use of their intelligence was the invention of science. And even after centuries of development, science is constantly evolving.

By practicing science, mankind can understand the world and shape it according to their own ideas. And so, humans became the most powerful beings on earth. And unlike all other beings, humans have developed their own power by finding a practical use for their gift.

And while the natural sciences allow us to understand the world, it is the applied sciences that allow us to shape the world according to our will.

Definition of Science

Science is the pursuit of the exploration, understanding, and transmutation of reality.

Chapter 3.1: Natural sciences and applied sciences

Theoretical research — Insights into reality

Natural sciences

Exploration and understanding are being taken care of by the natural sciences. They collect knowledge through mostly theoretical work (developing theories, drawing up formulas), but also partially through practical work (experiments and expeditions).

The natural sciences are concerned with investigating, examining and understanding reality and its phenomena, and then using mathematics to set up formulas that are as equivalent as possible to the corresponding natural formulas to describe reality and its phenomena as close as possible.

The phenomena that are to be examined are assigned individually and according to their complexity to one of the three natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) so that they can then be understood as simply as possible.

The natural phenomena are then researched and understood by the respective natural science.

While doing so, the natural science can use insights and research methods of all other natural- and side sciences. Then, the corresponding natural science uses mathematics to set up formulas that describe the respective phenomenon. The natural sciences can also use computer science for their work.

Applied sciences

The applied sciences deal with simplifying the activation of formulas, or making it possible to activate them in the first place, through the use of practical methods that they develop.

From the natural sciences, the individual applied sciences emerge through further research, in which the theoretical knowledge is applied in practice.

Those applied sciences are for example engineering, materials science, pharmacy, medicine, etc…

The fields within the natural sciences (e.g. electrodynamics in physics) also give rise to other fields within the applied sciences (e.g. electrical engineering in engineering).

In the applied sciences, research is ongoing to expand existing fields and create new ones. For this purpose, the applied sciences can use insights and research methods of all natural sciences as well as mathematics and computer science.

Practical research — Execution of transmutations

Natural sciences

The transmutations are:

1. Artificial conjurations of natural phenomena with the following properties:

They are caused by:

Classical method:

The transmutations are being executed with the practical methods from the simple experimental research of the natural sciences (also interdisciplinary). At the same time, natural sciences are not able to use objects from the applied sciences.

Applied sciences

The transmutations are:

1. Artificial conjurations of natural phenomena with the following properties:

2. Extension of the artificial conjurations of natural phenomena for practical use, so artificial phenomena without a natural example.

They are caused by:

Complex method:

On the basis of the extended research, practical methods for the execution of transmutations are developed by the applied sciences (also interdisciplinary) and then also used. At the same time, every applied science can use all objects of every natural science.

Mixed method (special case):

The mixed method is a special case, which can only occur during transmutation type number 1. Namely when in a big and/or complex transmutation a small and/or simple part of it is done by the natural sciences through their classical method and the rest by the applied sciences through their complex method.

Chapter 3.2: Side sciences

Side sciences like e.g. geology, archeology, psychology, meteorology, botany, astronomy, etc…

Most of them are based on natural sciences but there are some exceptions.

Their theory-practice-relationship varies from completely theoretical to the same relationship of the natural sciences.

If there is a pratical part, then transmutations will be executed through the practical methods of the simple experimental research of the side science (also interdisciplinary).

Chapter 3.3: Mathematics

The science of mathematics is concerned with capturing the abstract laws of nature and natural formulas of our reality in a form that people can understand.

To do this, it creates a form of notation that, through progressive expansion, can describe more and more of those abstract principles, and does it better and better over time.

Mathematics is used by the natural sciences to set up formulas for natural phenomena or simplifications thereof.

Chapter 3.4: Computer science

Computer science builds on mathematics and utilizes the technology of engineering so that it possesses a greater potential.

Because computer science can be used by the applied sciences for their practical work.

Computer science itself contains a little bit of theory but the biggest part is a special and exotic form of practice.

Chapter 4: Forms of scientists

Who is executing the conjurations?

The one who has the necessary knowledge to perform the conjuration.

Or several who together possess the necessary knowledge, with that knowledge divided among the individuals.

Definition of the different forms of scientists:

“Scientist” is the generic term and contains all the following forms.

Every following form is a scientist.

Though, there is a difference between scientist and general scientist.

A general scientist is familiar with all forms of science.

A natural scientist is familiar with at least one natural science.

An applied scientist is familiar with at least one applied science.

Scientists, who are only familiar with one science are called according to this science (e.g. physics: physicist). This is also true for all further forms of scientists.

Chapter 5: Formulas and their depiction

Mathematical formulas are the most basic way of describing reality and its phenomena.

In addition to them, there are also the simplifications that are often used by natural sciences that deal with particularly many and/or large formulas. In chemistry, for example, reaction equations are used instead of representing the individual interactions of atoms and electrons as formulas.

A further simplification of the formulas are the Feynman diagrams, with which particularly long and complicated formulas of quantum mechanics can be represented graphically.

Formulas are set up to approximate the natural formulas as close as possible with the ultimate goal of achieving them.

The (natural) phenomena are based on the natural laws and the natural formulas that are responsible for all phenomena.

Every invented formula has a certain quality. This is the property that is determined by equivalence to the natural formula aimed.

And by the quality of a formula, it can be classified and compared to others.

And the higher the quality of a formula, the more equivalent the resulting phenomenon upon activation of the formula is to the natural and/or desired phenomenon.

Chapter 6: Energy

The causes of the phenomena are the activated formulas, and in order to be able to activate formulas in the first place, the physical quantities must be brought into the required constellations, and energy is required for this; and that applies to both natural and artificial phenomena.

And that is why energy is needed to carry out transmutations, because energy drives the phenomena, and thus makes them possible.

And that is why energy is a very special physical quantity and occupies a special place among them.

With natural activation, all energy is transferred into the resulting phenomenon.

With artificial activation, however, there is still a process that artificially arranges the physical quantities in a specific constellation.

However, the entire energy given is never put into the artificial phenomena, because part of the energy is always used for the process itself so that the artificial activation can only come about in the first place. And the remaining energy is then put into the actual artificial phenomena.

To put it in a nutshell:

A transfer and/or transformation of energy is always the cause of a transmutation of reality.

Chapter 7: Analogies of science to fictional magic

The only thing that separates fictional magic from our science is the framework under which they operate.

In various fictional worlds, magic differs because of the rules that govern its essence.

For us, these rules/framework conditions are the laws of nature.

These laws of nature are why our science works a little differently than magic in the fictional worlds, although of course there are many differences there too.

However, our science corresponds to the magic from the fictional worlds, but due to our natural laws, our science works a little differently.

The following are therefore a few of the analogies that show the form in which known elements of fictional magic exist in our world, i.e. in our science:

For example:

For simple spells/transmutations like changing the color of a liquid (Potions coven/Chemistry) or the growth of a flower (Plant coven/Biology), performing magic without tools/classical method is sufficient, but for more complex spells/transmutations like levitation, you need to perform magic with tools (e.g. wands)/complex method (e.g. technology or superconductors).


Together, technology and software can conjure up complex magical phenomena.

That is why both, especially in combination, are the most important and best (magic gear) objects since they make many transmutations possible in the first place.

And that is why…

Chapter 8: Systems

Technology can influence our reality. Technology can also be enhanced by software.

Software is reality-expanding and can control technology.

So there are two complete systems, both of which have an influence on reality, and also have a reality-expanding property.

In theory, actions that can be performed by one system should also be able to be performed by the other.

However, whether this can also be implemented in practice depends on factors such as scalability, efficiency, required environmental conditions, robustness, flexibility, potential, etc.

It is easy to see that the software-technology-system (STS) is better than our consciousness-body-system (CBS). So in order to switch to the other system as a human being, we either have to bridge, i.e. connect our brain (consciousness) to the STS via brain-computer-interface (BCI), or make the consciousness function available in the STS, scan our brain (consciousness), and then enter the appropriate values into the STS so that our consciousness is copied.

Layers of reality:

The physical reality is layer 1 of reality. Biological bodies and technology both influence the physical reality (layer 1). There is only ever one layer 1. But there can also be multiple layer 2s on top of layer 1. Layer 2s are reality-expanded instances, such as dreams, thoughts, consciousness, computer programs, virtual worlds, etc.

And those instances are in fact real because they are rooted in reality’s layer 1 through interfaces like brains or computers. Layer 2s can be observed as collections and/or certain arrangements of electrons (in neurons or circuits) or emitted photons in layer 1.

Only the interpretation of those electron groups etc. decides how layer 2 looks and functions.

It also became very attractive to use the STS for all kinds of layer 2 use cases because we actually built this system from the ground up. Thus, we exactly understand how it works which isn’t the case with the CBS yet.

Using the STS, it even became possible to influence the layer 1 physical reality through commands and/or actions in layer 2s because this information can easily be passed down to the technology that actually influences layer 1.

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© 2022 Sebastian Supreme

