Understanding Transformers (Part 3)

Understanding the Q, K And V Of Attention

Sebastien Callebaut
3 min readMay 21, 2024

Breaking It Down One By One

Understanding the intuition behind the Queries (Q), Keys (K), and Values (V) in the attention mechanism can be challenging, but let’s break it down with a more concrete analogy:

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Analogy: Finding Relevant Books in a Library

Imagine you’re in a library and you want to find books that are relevant to a specific topic. Here’s how Q, K, and V come into play:

Query (Q):

  • Intuition: The query represents what you are looking for.
  • Analogy: Imagine you have a specific question or topic in mind, like “books about machine learning.”
  • In Transformers: Each word in the input sequence generates its own query vector through a linear transformation of its embedding. This query vector encapsulates what that word is seeking to find relevant information about in the other words of the sequence.

Key (K):

  • Intuition: The key represents what each piece of information is about.
  • Analogy: Each book in the library has a summary or a set of keywords that describe its content, like “machine learning, algorithms, data science.”
  • In Transformers: Each word also generates its own key vector through another linear transformation of its embedding. This key vector encapsulates what information that word contains which can be relevant to other words in the sequence.

Value (V):

  • Intuition: The value represents the actual content or information you want to retrieve.
  • Analogy: The value is the full content of the book itself.
  • In Transformers: Each word generates a value vector through yet another linear transformation of its embedding. This value vector represents the actual content that will be considered if the word’s key is deemed relevant to a query.

Putting It All Together

Here’s how the attention mechanism uses Q, K, and V:

Similarity Measurement:

  • Each query is compared with all keys to measure similarity, typically using a dot product.
  • Analogy: You (the query) look at the keywords (keys) of all the books and see which ones match your topic of interest.

Attention Weights:

  • The similarities are scaled and passed through a softmax function to produce attention weights. These weights determine the importance of each word (or book) with respect to the query.
  • Analogy: You prioritize which books are more relevant based on how well their keywords match your topic.

Weighted Sum:

  • Each value is multiplied by its corresponding attention weight and summed to produce the final attention output for the query.
  • Analogy: You gather and combine the content from the most relevant books to answer your question.

Mathematical Perspective

Here’s the mathematical formulation:

Why Queries, Keys, and Values?

Dynamic Interaction:

  • By using queries, keys, and values, the model dynamically computes the relevance of different pieces of information for each position in the input sequence.


  • This approach allows the model to capture various relationships and dependencies in the data, regardless of their distance or position in the sequence.

Parallel Processing:

  • It enables parallel computation, as the attention mechanism can process all words in the sequence simultaneously, unlike sequential models like RNNs.


  • Queries are like search queries, asking for specific information.
  • Keys are descriptors that tell what information each word contains.
  • Values are the actual pieces of information or content.
  • The attention mechanism uses the similarity between queries and keys to determine which values are most relevant, allowing the model to focus on the most pertinent parts of the input sequence dynamically and efficiently.



Sebastien Callebaut

Using data and coding to make better investing decisions. Co-founder of stockviz.com