A Material styled segmented control

Sebastian Kraatz
2 min readMay 21, 2019


What’s up guys, it’s Flutter time!

There is an update available! Version 2.0.1 brings a lot more features! Please check it out on GitHub and pub.dev!

You all know the great Flutter thing that lets you easily build apps for both iOS and Android in a minimum amount of time.

There are so many people who share their ideas and packages you can use and apply to your project. Plenty beginner tutorials can be found and for me, the Flutter web page was awesome, but the community was my real way to Flutter.

After a time of learning and doing I decided to share some of my ideas I came to when developing my first Flutter app.

And there was actually one thing I needed. And it wasn’t out there. A segmented control like the one for iOS, but for Material.

The Cupertino Segmented control in Flutter.

It’s a great thing, but the real “materialish” look and feel doesn’t come up with it, right?

And here comes Material Segmented Control, a plugin for your app where you can easily create a segmented control in Material design.

You can download it here on pub. Or just import it in your pubspec.yaml!

The final look is all up to you, define border radius, colors, contents, vertical divider width and entire height of the control.

Have a look at the README and example section on GitHub.

I hope you enjoy it! Leave some comments and of course, you can open an issue if something’s not working. See GitHub for more.
If you want to see more, follow me on Twitter! See ya’!

