What Are Your Snapchat Audience Looking For?

Sebastian Ghannad
2 min readSep 4, 2017


When working with Snapchat campaigns you need to reach your audience not only expose material to them. Now, creating Snapchat content is harder than said or though. Is about creating material with a language that your audience understand and can relate to. But it’s more to that.

Talking with not to your audience

By creating content you expose the values and ideology of the company to the audience. But the thing is that the audience doesn’t give two shits about a ideology. The audience does not care about your values. But you can make your audience care about it.

This is by interacting and caring about your audience.

When I worked with my latest (and all my Snapchat campaigns) I had to answer all the sent-in snaps. I wanted to give the audience the feeling of “wow, they responded me”.

Social capital is greater than numbers. Meaning that networking with viewers and creating social influence will create a greater impact rather than forcing down a message down the viewers throats.

So answer the snaps the viewers send in and let them know that it is human that handles the account not a robot.

15 year olds are not children any more, they are young adults.

A big mistake companies and organizations does when trying to create content for a younger audience is that they are making content that is more suitable for a 10 year old. The 15 year olds are more mature than the demographic was 10 years ago. They may not has the same interests or maturity as a 20 year old but they do listen and watch the same content as a older audience.

So try to create content that are suited for a 20 year old but with a message for a 14–17 year old. Let them feel more mature and catch their attention.

Feel free to contact me if you want some free consultation :)



Sebastian Ghannad

Psychology and Media student from Stockholm, Sweden. Twitter: sebghannad Snapchat: sebastianbich